Vol 2: Chapter 2

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"Let's see then!" I say as Will comes out of his room wearing his Ghostbusters costume

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"Let's see then!" I say as Will comes out of his room wearing his Ghostbusters costume. "Oh don't you look handsome!" Mom says as Johnathon gets his camera out."Egon Spengler at your service." He says laughing. "Pose for the pictures!" I say and he does numerous strange poses. "Alright Johnathon is taking you to school today." Mom says and Johnathon gets into his car and waves us all goodbye. "He's gonna do just fine." I say to mom, who's biting her nails anxiously. "Come look at this." Mom says dragging me into the kitchen. "Did will draw this?" I say looking at this drawing of some sort of huge spider. "Yeah, I asked him if he had an episode, he said no." She says still biting her nails. "Me and Johnathon will haves go, he might say something to us." I say giving her a hug, "stop biting your nails, at this point I would just go back to smoking." I say before leaving.

"Josie." A voice says from behind me as I'm walking to my class. "What?" I whisper back and a hand grabs me. "Fucking hell Nancy!" I whisper angrily as she pulls me into a classroom. "Right answer me this, do you think that we should keep covering up barbs death?" She questions and Steve rolls his eyes. "I think she needs justice, but the police have dealt with it and who would believe three teenagers?" I say looking out the door and seeing Billy walk past. My eyes linger on him. "Oh god not you too? Billy seriously?" Nancy says rolling her eyes. "Shut up I like him, I went to his house last night, proper rich boy." I say and Steve looks annoyed. "He's a player." She says looking at Steve for reassurance. "Yeah yeah, everyone called Steve a player and you still packed him." I say leaving the classroom much to Nancy's protest.

"Josie Byers, fancy seeing you here." Billy says as I accidentally walk into him. "Oh hey Billy." I say going to my locker, his is right next to mine. "My sister won't shut up about you." He says opening his locker and spraying hairspray. "I just have that effect on people." I say struggling to open my locker. "It's fucking annoying." He says hitting my locker, trying to force it open. "Oh well." I say as my locker opens. "So who's the local dealer here?" He says as I touch up my makeup in my mirror. "Eddie, he's the guy I was with yesterday." I say nodding in the direction Eddie is in. "What is he your little boyfriend or something?" He says slamming his locker shut. "Why do you care?" I say closing mine too. "I don't care, I'm going to get my drugs." He says storming off in eddies direction. Eddie gives me a confused look as Billy leads him away.

I decide to sneak on them. "Eddie Munson, the schools shittiest dealer." Billy says leading them to an empty hallway. "What's that to you? Try and find a better dealer." Eddie replies, trying to look cool but you can tell his pissing himself inside. "Your Josie's dealer?" Billy says going up close to him. "Yeah so?" Eddie says baking into a wall. "How the fuck is she friends with you? Your a freak who plays a game with little figures, have you drugged her or something?" Billy says laughing in his face. "I'm just really likeable, maybe you could take a few tips. Number one, take a step back, your breath stinks of shit." Eddie says pretending to be sick. "Your not as cool as you think you are." Billy says grabbing him by the scruff of the neck. "Leave Josie alone." He says before dropping him and leaving the room. I run and hide behind the door, weak move I know but it worked.

"Eddie what the fuck!" I say going into the room as  Billy goes out of site. "Your into that?" Eddie says laughing. "Oh fuck off." I say grabbing a bottle out of my bag. "Take a step back your breath stinks of shit." I mimic making him laugh. "Your not as cool as you think you are." Eddie mocks too. "Oh stop, your going to kill me." I say laughing "Is that beer?" Eddie says grabbing the bottle off me. "Does it look like beer?" I say grabbing it back and pointing at the vodka label. "I don't know how you drink that stuff." He says wandering around the room. "You can talk you literally drink like 100 beers a day, embarrassing really." I say taking a swig out of the bottle. "Give it here." He says grabbing the bottle and taking a huge mouthful. "Fuck sake Eddie you took half the bottle!" I say shoving him over, making him spit some of it on the floor. "Bitch!" He says and I laugh. "You gotta clean that up!" I say as the bell rings and everyone comes out of their classrooms. "Shit." I say shoving the bottle back in my bag and quickly wiping the floor with my foot.

"Josie! Where were you first period? Miss Montgomery was looking for you." Nancy says coming up to us. "Oh hey Eddie." She says nodding at him. "Uh hey?" He says trying to be polite, he's clearly not used to getting rich prissy girls talking to him. "Eddie fuck off I'm having an adult conversation." I say and he walks off practically sulking like a child. "Seriously Josie? We're in school can you stop being irresponsible for one minute!" Nancy says smelling my breath as Steve comes over. "What's happening here?" He says looking confused. "Doesn't matter." Nancy says huffing. "You stink of vodka." Steve says looking at the puddle on the ground. "I don't, it's my new perfume." I say wiping my foot on the puddle again, basically just spreading it more. "Yeah sure." He says gesturing to the puddle. "You better not have anything else on you right now!" Nancy says looking in my locker. "Nance! Get out of my locker!" I say as she finds my drug stash. "Seriously? This is school teachers could find this!" Nancy lectures. "Your fucking acting like a teacher right now, was better when I hid my drugs from you." I say grabbing them out of her hand. "Josie we're going to collage next year, at least try and get into a good one, get your act together." She says walking away with Steve. "Get your act together." I mutter, mimicking Nancy. "I agree with her." Johnathon says from behind. "Johnathon what the fuck! You scared the shit out of me." I say jumping and turning to him. "How long have you been standing there?" I say and he shrugs.

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