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Y/n's pov

"SHIT"- I'm pregnant... fuck um. I can't tell Billie what if she doesn't want one right now. We're getting late for school right now I'm kinda scared. "Hey, babe can you hurry ?" "coming Billie" 
I got down and Billie started eyeing me up and down.. "what you looking at bil" "Nothing just lost in your eyes" her words killed me inside but we were getting late for school so I kissed her and we left.

Billie's pov
I Got my key and we left. "I fucking hate Mrs brown she's a bitch" she complained while I drove and laughed at her words. "What happened now "I laughed. "Nothing her face is just too fucked up you know " Y/n was mad but in a cute way. "What if I was your teacher," I asked. "Billie we'd do nothing but fuck and you know that," she said looking down. We reached school.  "I'll park it and come" Y/n opened the door and left that's when I heard it "did you tell Billie?" Jessica asked Y/n. Is Y/n hiding anything from me :(? I got out of my car and walked towards class. There she was standing against her locker. I walked to her "hey um babe are you hiding something?" she looked so hesitant. "Y/n ?". "Billie can we talk later?" oh fuck ok shit something went down fr. "whatever bye" I walked off. 

Y/n's pov 

I felt so bad lying to Billie but she was surely gonna make me spit it out. 'Psst, Jessica I have to tell Billie" "WHAT THE FUCK OKAYYYY  CALM DOWN" hmm. The class got over FINALLY. Jessica got to me "YOU'RE PREGNANT Y/n YOU HAVE TO!!" "JESSICA IM GETTING SCARED!!" I screamed and Billie was standing in front of me. "Uh oh um I better get going, " Jessica said and RAN (that bitch). "um hey bil" i tried to not look nervous. "My classes are done can we go home ?"  she didn't say anything and i started building up guilt. The entire car ride was silent. Her jaw was clenched up hard. i kinda got scared cause i don't know why.  We got into the car and Billie shut the door after we entered. "So you're gonna tell me ?" she asked. i had to know. "Um bil.." "yeah" "I love you a lot" "i love u too baby " she smiled and pulled me in for a hug and that's when.. "we're having a baby" I whispered in her ear. 

Billie's pov :


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