It's daddy to you...

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Billie's pov

"Guys can yall take chloe with you tonight?" "Sure" chloe started jumping happily. "Byee mama bye Mommy :))!!!" she waved. "Bye baby" we waved back

Y/n's pov

"So .... do you have anything to say for yourself?" 

"umm... i love you? hehe..." she said nervously. "I love you too bil" 

After a while of this we were laying on the couch in the living room and watching stranger things Y/n had requested it since it's her favorite show. two episodes in though she fell asleep.

 i glanced up at her. she was still sleeping, a small smile etched on her face.

i took this opportunity to slip my hand further down into her underwear. luckily for me she wasn't wearing pants. i rubbed my hand over her pussy, already feeling a small pool of wetness forming. y/n let out a quiet moan, and i looked to see if she'd woken up. she was still sleeping, so i went back to doing what i was doing, rubbing her clit a bit faster now.

y/n's breath quickened, another moan slipping from her lips. i took that as permission to slip a finger inside her now throbbing pussy. i pumped in and out while taking her nipple out from her tank top and attaching my mouth to it.

"fuck, please don't stop baby."

i kept stroking her pussy with my finger, adding another one and curling them. y/n's hips bucked to meet my hands.

"more, more" she said.

"as you wish babe." i added a third finger, and picked up the pace. i could feel her walls clenching now. i took my thumb and rubbed circles on her sensitive clit.

"fuck yes bil. i'm so close baby."

within minutes y/n came on my hand, spilling her juices down on the blanket. i pulled myself back up to her, pressing my lips to hers. i pushed my tongue into her mouth and we began making out before she pulled away briefly.

"please let me suck your cock."

i got up and moved off of her, and sat down normally on the edge of the couch, after pulling my boxers down. my dick sprang free, and y/n bit her lip just looking at it.

y/n's pov

"spit." billie said. i did as told and spit on my hand before taking her cock and jerking it off. billie moaned and tilted her head back. i leaned forward and took her into my mouth, hollowing my cheeks. i bobbed up and down, making billie grip the couch in pleasure. i stared up at her innocently which i know she loves.

"fuck, you look so sexy down there."

i hummed and continued, sucking from the bottom of her dick all the way up to the tip. billie ran a hand through my hair, pulling it up into a makeshift ponytail and pushing my head down. her dick touched the back of my throat, making a few tears come to my eyes.

"i'm gonna fucking cum, y/n."

"cum for me baby."

that was all she needed to spill her load in my mouth. i swallowed it and then got up and sat down on her lap, our bare crotches touching. i moaned at the feeling of her dick on my pussy. i began to slowly grind against her cock, my wetness coating her member.

"god damn it, y/n. stop fucking teasing me. get on my dick, now." she growled.

fuck, i love when she gets frustrated.

"yes, daddy." i did as told and sat up briefly before sitting down on her dick. she filled me up, and my head dipped back in pleasure. i started to bounce up and down on her, my arms leaned forward on her stomach. damn, she feels so fucking good inside me.

"shit, billie i love your dick." she grabbed ahold of my ass, squeezing it.

"yeah? tell me how good it feels. tell me how good i fuck you."

she lifted herself up of the couch a little to thrust up into me, hitting my g-spot from a whole new angle.

"yes, you fuck me so good, daddy. i fucking love when you fuck me."

i continued to ride her dick like my life depended on it. she moved one of her hands from my ass to my tits, pulling me closer to fit one in her mouth. her tongue flicked over my nipple causing a wave of pleasure to wash over me. i moaned at the contact, feeling another orgasm underway.

"billie, i'm gonna cum!"

"cum all over this dick, baby."

and I did just that.

We got done and I cuddled up with Billie. "Good night princess" she kissed me. "Good night baby" I smiled and kissed her back. 


Daily news* 

Chloe Eilish was spotted with Finneas and Claudia O'Connell at their house..
I sighed at that news... well at least I know she's safe. 

"Mmhmm Y/n come back" Billie whined.
"Billie wake up baby you have Ellen today " She groaned again...

I got up and looked out of the window and instead of seeing a good tree pleasant view 
I saw A BILLION FANS standing outside our house... 

No surprise Billie has to leave in a bit so this was expected...

After getting ready we left.. 
Billie got dragon out and she drove us to ellen "Billie be careful don't end up stepping on any of them " "Yeah babe I know " BILLIE BEIJEOJN BILLIE HAHHH BILLIE EILISH


an hour later...
Billie kissed me and..


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