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Y/n's pov
Okay so basically It's Halloween Billie's at work and I'm invited to this party with my friends and Billie's too but she has a meeting later so she has to take a rain check on the party. 
Now the problem is I had gone to the store to get a really hot Playboy-type Halloween costume and it's just the type that would get me pregnant
 but I'm going to the party so sorry Bil
It's 4 pm and Im waiting for Billie to come home so I could leave 
istg she's such a turtle "Ughhhhhh" I groaned to myself and then called her 
"hey baby, where are you" "Parking I'm coming in a minute" "Okay bye love u " "Love you too baby" I hung up can't she be any faster!!
 I sat on the chair with my legs crossed 
Suddenly the door opened to Billie with 2 bags in her hand and an open jaw 
"What th-" She dropped her bags and ran towards me 
"Do I get this?" she eyed me head to toe sliding her hands on my waist and biting her lips lightly 
"Its the delusion for me" I laughed blushing to how whipped she looked.
"Im going for that Halloween party re-" Her smile faded into a straight face
"Uh-uh you ain't leavin' this house wearing that" here we go 
"You know what I don't wanna be a controlling partner but Im just saying I wouldn't be alright with you going out like that" she mumbled with a slight touch of anger in her tone 
"Babe Im like fully covered what's the problem??" i wanna laugh so bad 
she looked at me with the "HUH?!" face.
"What's the problem??? Jesus Y/n your fuckin ass and half of ur tits can be seen"  she argued
"Okay well what do you want me to do" I leaned over the kitchen counter looking at her mad yet straight face
"What i want you to do is put some damn clothes on" She demanded pushing the new box of cereals into the drawer
"But I have a party, Bil"
"Again i don't wanna be controlling so whatever but I wouldn't like it if you went to a party at night while you're still pregnant like that" 
"But you wear hot shit to parties without me all the time" she closed her eyes taking a deep breath in "I wear shit that covers me completely i don't know what in the fuck you're wearing you look hot but it looks like you went camping and a bear stole your clothes".
I would have honestly died laughing at that point "Why don't you just come with me?" 
"I have a meeting like i said and I don't know what kind of people would be at that party its not like I don't trust you i don't trust anyone around you" 
"Too bad Bil cause I'm leaving and I'm getting late" 
why is she removing her phone... "Omg, bil are you serious?" "Yep I'm sending this picture straight to your dad and I'd like to see if he would let you go out looking like that"
"Im not your mom or dad so I'm not gonna say shit but change and put some clothes on"
I went into the room and changed into Billie's clothes 
"Is this better?" I asked her 
"Yes much better Call me when you reach" she looked at her phone reading emails
"Bye bil" I shut the door and quickly got into the car and
 changed into the Playboy costume cause why not but if she finds me in this I'm so done 

At the party...
"OMGG YOU LOOK SO FLYYYY" Jessica greeted me passing me a shot glass full of vodka
"Where's everyone" I yelled starting to get partially drunk. She intertwined our fingers and pulled me to everyone. "Heyyyy" everyone yelled 
"Y/n how did Billie let you even wear this girl you look so fineeee" Christine yelled cause the music was loud asf
"EVERYONE GET ON THE FUCKIN DANCE FLOOR" someone yelled and all of us started going on the dance floor and started dancing "woohooo"
 "HERE Y/N!!" Jessica yelled I went to her drowning in my 8th shot for the night. 
"AYYYYYYYYY" Suddenly my vision became blurry and
 I felt myself being touched by someone who was definitely not Billie... eh anyways we were dancing
 "Ayyyy everyone get down and funk it BILLIE EILISH IS IN THE MF HOUSE" someone yelled
Oh fuck.
She came to me and pushed the guy who was holding on to my waist aside "What the fuck is wrong with you" The guy got up and punched Billie in her eye even tho I was drunk I saw the built-up anger on her face as she turned to push several punches on the guy's face making him unrecognizable to anyone who saw him next. 
"we're going home you're drunk" She carried me to the car like a baby
"Biwwieee" i touched her face leaning in for a kiss but she didn't bother
"Talk tooo meee babyyyy" I laughed making her look at me 
"You look so fuckinggg hot" I got up and straddled her during a signal her face was just centimeters away from mine. 
"Do you wanna?" I asked I pressed her lips on mine and let out a groan in my mouth as i moved my body forward to behind continuously. 

I teased her leaving her really hard and pushed myself back into my seat.
"Oh you're gonna regret doing that" She smiled looking at me as I blushed looking outside the windows.

A/n : Hiii how's it so far?? sucks i know trust me 
anywaysss smut next chapter kids below  13 this is your cue to leave✨

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