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Billie's pov 

"hey, babe?? could you come down here for a sec" I had something planned for y/n and me for a really long time? "Yeahhhh?" she came down the stairs. "OMFGGGG BILLIE WTAFFF"I got us a dog :). "Do you like it ??" her smile softened with her face. "OFC BABY I LOVE IT  thank you so much" I knew Y/n wanted a dog for a really long time. "Aww Eilish you're such a softie" "Mphh" I pulled her by the waist into a kiss. Finally, we pulled back and she said IT a DREADED WORD "Billie please can we go shopping baby" her eyes were so precious and kind I couldn't even say no. "Jesus someday you will be the death of me y/n" she giggled. "So?? can we ?? " she asked excitedly. "Fine go get ready" She jumped in joy and hugged me and then there I was *Smiling in pain:')*

Y/n's pov 

Finally, she said yes. I can't wait to buy that DRESS. AHHHH BILLIE'S GONNA LOVE IT. "Heyy babe you ready???" I know how much Billie hates shopping hehe but I really wanna get that dress. "Yeah let's go" She took her keys. I wore cycling shorts and a crop top and Billie wore something to hide her face with cause you know paparazzi she wore a hoodie and HUGE sweatpants one jump and there goes humiliation. We sat in the challenger and her face lit up "OH FUCK" she said. "What happened?" "Umm Y/n there's paparazzi outside" SOOOO we took a different route cause YES. "hey listen Billie i had to talk to you about something" 

Bil's pov
Oh shit, I feel like my heart is gonna explode right now. ok, Billie calm down and say "yeah sure?"  "soo umm how do I say this " istg this girl. "Tina and her bitches have called me for a party so like can we go ?" I looked at her in such an innocent way and said "yes " BUT INSIDE I WAS DYING OUT OF ANXIETY. "Perfect " she smiled. 


Y/n's pov :
Billie was acting too clingy sometimes she would kiss my neck or try to make a hickey or grab my ass. "Mphhhh" she moaned in my ears. "Bil not here" I whispered. A girl and her mom were looking at us as if we were on crack. Billie looked back at the mother like she was selling it to us (resting bitch face) and then just to make this worse. "MOMMY LOOK BILLIE EILISH " "oh fuck" Billie whispered in my ears. Billie walked up to the girl and took a picture with her and yk all that. "Bye sweetheart take care I love you :)" Looking at her talk to the little girl like that made me think... What if... Pushing me out of my thoughts I SAW THE DRESS YES OMGGG. "AHHH BILLIE THIS DRESS OICNISBDCNSIUC-" I looked at Billie and yep she had a boner. "No no, no Baby I'm not doing this here". She grabbed my hand and took me to the changing room. "I love you " "I love u too baby" Idek what had gotten into her but she didn't take a minute this time she pushed in my tight walls going all the way in raw too may I add. "Fuck keep going" she went deeper and deeper hitting a new spot that made me scream "A-AHhH right there" "you like that slut" "Y-yes Daddy" she kept hitting it from the back doggy-style she slapped my ass. "G-go faster" "anything for you princess" she went faster "Shit like that fuck me like that mmh A-AHh!". she pushed my hands down on my back arching my back while still pounding into me. "Mmh you like that whore" "y-yessss" her right hand on my back while her left hand is pulling my hair in a ponytail. "You like that kinky bitch" she pounded harder than before and slapped my ass when I didn't respond. "Yes, I love it" I yelled out she moved her right hand to my clit doing messy wet circles. "Shit I'm g-g-gonna cummmm" "hold it" "fuck oo-ok" she pulled my hair more and thrusted faster in me "ok cum now princess" "AAHH!" I squirted while she shot her load in me.

Billie's pov

 "Fuck that was hot," Y/n said. I pulled her in for one last kiss. "Billie my dress" We took her dress and checked out. " I LOVE SHOPPING YOU KNOW " i laughed and Y/n smirked and started blushing . Everyone looked at us as if we had fucked in the  changing room (hehe) MOVING ON*

Three days later*
Y/n's pov :

Oh shit-

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