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Y/N's Pov :

We're having a girl...

y/n pov

I'm 5 months pregnant with my and billies child. We did IVF and somehow after many failed attempts, we became pregnant. Billie has been taking a lot of care of me, she took some time off work to take care of me, even though I'm not even due for another 4 months.

I'm 5 months which means i have an obvious baby bump. Billie says i look cute and it shows that there really is a baby in my belly that two girls made. She always thanks me whenever we cuddle, all i'm doing is carrying a big fat clump of cells in my belly, which will eventually make our baby.

Having a baby bump means i can't wear my normal attire, which i hate because it shows that i'm fat. I have to wear these stupid maternity clothes or billies baggy clothes, which i sort of don't mind wearing. I have to be careful doing normal every day things and i hate it. I can't get up on chairs to reach the highest cupboard without billie panicking thinking i'm going to fall. I hate it.She has put a stop in us having sεメ until after having baby which I pretty much agree with, even though our doctor said that it was okay, but this could also mean that she isn't attracted to me (sεメually) while i'm a big fat and pregnant. Even I don't feel particularly sεメy, which can say a-lot about how i see myself.I'm worried that after i have out baby i wont go back to how i used to look. I will stay like a big fat pregnant wife to the most beautiful girl in the world."Y/n baby are you okay, it looks like you were out of it for a second" she giggles whilst looking at me. I can feel my eyes get blurry, then hot tears fall down my face. "Baby whats wrong, did i do something? Was it the baby, i can get you painkillers-""No, no it's nothing, can we just carry on watching the movie." i say whilst smiling at her, then concentrating back at the movie."No we can't, i'm going to turn this off and you are going to tell me what's wrong, okay. Nothing you're going to say is going to make me stop loving you." She says whilst turning off the the tv then pulling me on top of her."Okay." I pause before i start again. "Lately i have been feeling really insecure in myself, like i don't see you being attracted to me any more, because in all fairness who would want a living talking pig that only eats and sleeps, nobody, so why would you? I want to have sεメ with you but you're always worried that you are going to hurt me or the baby, but the doctor said it was okay, but you always say no. I just feel fat and useless." I end with me wiping my tears and sniffling."Oh baby, i didn't know you felt this way, if you told be we could have worked on it. To make us both happy. And you are most definitely not a pig i can tell you that, you are a gorgeous majestic woman which happens to be my wonderful wife, no biggy." I giggle without noticing. "And baby if you want to we can make love we can, but not rough okay, nice and gentle." I smile looking up at her."I would love too" I sigh happily. "and i love you Billie" I love you too y/n" I smile and cuddle further into her, whilst she turns the movie back on and i slowly drift to sleep.

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