New Orleans

707 9 0

"Billie we're facing minor turbulence" the pilot said on the speaker. 

Y/n's pov. 
Turbulence on a flight was normal for billie but i felt her arms wrapped around me i looked at her and she looked kinda scared. "Billie are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah im just kinda worried right now cause im travelling with you chloe and you're pregnant so i didnt really expect any flight disturbance" she said fondling with my fingers. "Aww its fine we're anyways landing in a bit" I told her lifting her jaw up giving her a soft kiss. "Yeah hopefully". Chloe's still asleep which was good cause with this turbulence she would have caused a chaos. "Hey babe" "Yeah " "Im kinda sleepy" "Okay I should probably sleep too long day tomorrow " she said. I lay my head on her chest and she had her hand around me. "Good night billie eilish" i said laughing in her chest. She looked down at me and kissed my forehead. And yeah then we slept. 


"Mommaaaaa wake uppp" Chloe started jumping on Billie's stomach and chest. "AHhhhh Chloe noooo let momma sleep" Billie told chloe and accidentally pushed her out of the bed. "Ahh" chloe fell down and her head hit the floor. Billie got up and picked her up while chloe was still crying. "Momma is so sorry baby" Billie said hugging her daughter. "Billie what the hell?!" I grabbed chloe and patted her back and tried making her laugh. Billie came to chloe and gave her a kiss "Chloe im sowwy are you gonna forgive momma ? " Billie said in a Baby-ish tone. Chloe looked at me and then went back to Billie. I swear she's such a daddy's girl. 


"Mommy i want that " Chloe said pointing towards a toy. We were in a rush cause there were A HELL LOT OF PEOPLE when we came out of our jet. Billie ran to the shop and got Chloe her toy. The guards guided us to the sprinter van. "HEYYY CHLOEEEE" "I WAS HAPPPIIIEEERRRRR THANNNNNN EVERRRRR" We heard the ENTIRE crowd of people sing while Billie and I were getting in the van.  It was the cutest shit EVER. Billie jumped on the sun roof of the van and waved her fans(friends :) ) She picked chloe up like the simba and lion king movie thing!!. 


Suddenly the van started moving and we made our way to the hotel. Billie had a show the same day we landed so it was kinda hectic for her. The second we got to the hotel we kept our things and head to the venue 5 hrs before the show. "Momma im getting boredddd" Chloe whined holding billie's small finger. "I know baby why dont you go roam around with Grandma?" Oh yeah Billie's entire family was here too !! I was actually glad they were here i really like Billie's family and they like me:)). "hey mommmmm can you take chloe around??" Billie yelled loud enough for maggie to hear. As soon as Chloe left i walked to Billie and hugged her while she was practicing her songs. " i love you so muchh" i whispered in her ear. She smiled against my cheek. "I love u too baby" Billie accidentally said in the mic. And then we heard the most precious but unexpected thing ever. The minute Billie said that an ENTIRE AIR FORCE of teenagers went "aw" and started simping. Billie laughed and waved to them. "Billie " I said looking up at her . "Yes princess" she said softly. "Can we go out for dinner later?" she stopped singing and her smile turned into a smirk while she looked down at me. "Uh huh" she pulled me closer and gave me a kiss still smiling."Sureee I'll ask Justin to book a restaurant" she said.
"I want this to be only you and me " I told Billie . She obviously took time to reply so i waited a bit "Yeah" she said tugging the hem of my shorts. Billie looked at me and turned red. "Babe we're legit in public right now" i whispered in her ear. "Its not like I havent fucked you in public" she said kissing my neck. 

AHEM* finneas walked by us and gave billie a sussy stare. "Ohkay you wanna go in the green room?" Billie asked me. 


I looked outside the curtain and saw an entire swam of i guess a million people standing with their phones. "Imma go" Billie said Laughing fully energetic. "Momma i wuv youuu" chloe said kissing Billie on her cheek. Billie looked at me and mouthed "I love you baby" I gave her a flying kiss. 

Billie's pov

"WHATSUP NEW ORELEANS" "HOW YOU FEELIN" I could hear the huge crowd growling. "ALRIGHT" ...


I was in the middle of "Happier than ever" and Chloe came running on stage. "Momma" she yelled . The entire crowd started melting. "heyy baby" I said pickingg her up in my arms. "Chloe can you sing with me " She's so fucking cute dudeeee. "im hawwpiver thann eeeevvvverrrr" she yelled. The crowd started roaring in cuteness. I held chloe in my hands and danced with me through out the entire song. 

The minute haley's commet started playing i pulled Y/n on to the stage with me. "I love you baby" With just these 4 words the entire crowd started bawling their eyes out and i swear to go that might have been the largest crowd noise i may have ever heard...


"Everyone thank you soooo soooo much for coming ... hehe i cant abuse right now cause chloe's here hehe but thank you so much for coming have a great evening :)" I said. Before leaving finneas andrew my drummer and I bowed down. I hugged the crowd one last time and I left. 

Y/n's pov
Billie came back and she was sweating sooo muchhh... Her entire family was there and we hung around for a real long time... But then chloe was getting cranky so Billie and i waved everyone good bye and left in the car. "BYEEE BILLIEEE BYEEE Y/N BYEEEE CHLOEEEe" everyone yelled who were waiting for us to leave the arena!!. 

Chloe fell asleep in my arms and Billie with her head on my shoulders scrolling through her phone. "Y/n" she said softly . "Yeah bil" "I really want this one to be a girl too" she said. 

 I looked at her and gave her a warm smile. "If its a boy there's sooo much you have to do with me bil" "and if its a girl and she turns out to be another daddy's girl then I'm gonna give up" i said laughing. Billie and I spent the rest of the car ride talking about the new baby

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