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Billie's pov

Sunday morning. I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face. Shifting to find my comfy spot I opened my eyes to see Y/N. I got off the bed still in my boxers and t-shirt. "Y/N?!" "Yeahh babe??" she yelled from downstairs. I brushed my teeth, freshened up, and went downstairs. running up to the couch I sat next to her. "hey baby good morning" she smiled as I gave her a kiss. Going up to the fridge I got the waffles out. "hey babe would u mind checking your phone?" she said in shock. "Yeah sure why tho " "just do it please". "Ugh fine ". DAILY DOSE OF YOUR INTERNET: BILLIE EILISH AND Y/N TIE KNOTS AND ARE EXPECTING SOON." "NONNONONNONONONONON" FUCK THIS SHIT CANT BE HAPPENING. WTAF I HAVE GOT 22323 TEXTS AND 3233 CALLS 109K EMAILS. "Y/N Baby" I don't know what to do fuckk. I looked outside the window and saw a hell lot of people standing. "Hey bil don't you have ellen today ?" "FUCK THAT'S JUST GREAT ISNT IT " 

I called my manager real quick 

"hey, Justin yoo" "Heyy bil congrats dude tell the wife :))!! " "Yeah yeah thanks man ... Now how tf am I gonna make it out of my house ?!" "Why what's up" "PAPARAZZI DUDE!!" "OHH FUCK YEAH OKAY AND?" "WELL I HAVE ELLEN TODAY SO GET ME AND MY WIFE OUT OF THIS HOUSE"    "Okay dude chill peace out" call ended* 


"Billie it's okay calm down wait is that ... JESSICA??!!!" 

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