Worth it

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Billie's pov
I was driving back home when I got a call from Y/n I picked it up "Hey baby" I said "Billie where are you ?" she asked idk she sounded pretty mad "I was at hailey's house why whats up " "Ohk nothing what were you doing there?" "Nothing chloe and beiber's daughter wanted to have a play date and yk childish shit" I said giggling. "Oh okay " "wait are you doubting me right now?" I didn't hear anything for the next 2 mins "Um no bil I'll see you when you get home" What the fuck just happened.  I quickly got back home with Chloe and put the car in reverse backing it up. 

Ding dong* the bell rang 
Y/n opened the door wearing my shirts and in her thong. "Hello baby " she picked chloe up and took her to her room cause Chloe was being cranky. After Y/n got out off Chloe's room she entered our bed room... "No srsly why'd you doubt me?" I asked her pretty mad about it. "Billie I didn't I just wanted to know where you were do you think its easy for me to fucking wake up to no one around?" she yelled. "Well what the fuck was the "WHERE ARE YOU " for if you arent doubting me. We continued arguing and we heard chloe's footstep come closer she opened the door "momma are you and mommy fighting?" Her face seemed so low "No baby we arent we're just....sigh* talking" "Okay momma I wuv you and mommy" she kissed me on the cheek and ran back to her room."Billie I cant fucking do this right now okay ... I am fucking insecure about it okay you keep reminding me that I'm worth a lot more but i dont feel like it" I was very SHOOK by what she said remembering that she was pregnant I thought its that so...

Y/n's pov 
I yelled at billie and felt like shit "baby its okay" she came closer and hugged me while i erupted with tears in her arms. "Hey no its okay we'll be fine don't worry  I'm here for you whenever you need me" her words touched my heart. Soon I was asleep in her arms. 
It was 3pm and i got up ... while Billie was still sleeping. I looked at her baby face while she was sleeping. Tracing her jawline causing her to wake up. "I love you eilish" I say while giving her a peck on her lips. She pulled me on top of her and i kept my hand on her buldge. "mhmm billie you're hard" I said smirking. "You're gonna help me or..." I went down to her sweatpants and locked the door. "Fuck Y/n... I'm so fucking gonna show you that you're worth it " she bit her lip and moaned she kissed all along my cheeks, forehead, lips and whispering "you 're such a good girl" "you're so pretty when you cum" which is a little naughty to say in the moment but my lips had curved into a lazy smile at the compliment nonetheless, then she pulled me onto her chest, where it's warm and safe.

i shook my head and look at her to see Billie pulling off her plain white t shirt and her back muscles flex as her arms drop down  and this time I let out a moan loud enough for her to hear.

i couldn't help myself, the muscles brought me right back to when she was on top, just plowing into me. It feels good, so good and when her hand is dipping into the space behind my knee and hiking my thigh up, a guttural moan leaves my lips when she hits a particular spot that sends a tremor up my spine. Billie groans and stops mid thrust.

I look up at her confused, "Wh–"

"I-I need a second babe. I'm gonna cum if I keep going." she's focused with her eyes closed, her forehead is laying against mine and her breathing so hard i feel the warm air fan out over my face. Her arms are shaking a little, i notice now from where they're pushing down on the pillow where my head is. she's really wrecked and I love it to be honest. I run my hands up and down her sides, sometimes massaging the skin there then i move to her arms and finally to her chest. I tilted my head to the side and kiss the inside of her forearm before glancing up at her. Her breathing is evened out a little and her bottom lip isn't being held captive by her teeth. "You ok baby?" You smile sweetly up at this beautiful woman who is literally so breathtaking in this moment, I don't even know how im even lasting right now. she nods and she thrusts in slowly before dragging herself out and then back in. It's a nice rhythm but i  want her to go fast because Im going to combust if she keeps going this slow and deep."Bill- Billie" she doesn't listen, just sticks to it. billie's  hands grab onto my hips and angles them up a little more, making her sink even deeper. "Ahh God! Billie please, go faster." I pleaded with her I  was so close to crying because of how overwhelmed I was . Billie snuggled her face into the crook of my neck, the tip of her nose hitting the space between my neck and shoulder, "you don't like this?" "fuck, you're squeezing me" "if i could stay inside you all day I would" "so warm, so tight" It's pathetic, the sounds im making and it's all because of the taunts she's whispering into my ear while she's balls deep inside of me. If she wants to play like that then alright two could play this game. I clench down around her as she's  pulling her hips away, ready to take drive back in and it has Billie almost falling on top of me at the new sensation. she's squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip hard. "Fucking shit!" she bellows. "Fuck! Fuck!" And all i did is smirk at her. she finally opens her eye and stared drunkenly at me, "You're such a brat." she smashes her mouth against mine and just like that we were back to it... she's finally going faster. Her hands grab at my to bring my arms above my head, Billie weaves her  fingers with mine holding onto them tight. "So close." I pant out and it sounds like a plea. Billie is literally kissing my breath away as she thrusts but i can tell she's almost there. her hips start moving with a purpose and her mouth find a new home on my chest, her swollen lips just grazing the heated skin while her forehead is pressed firmly underneath my chin. i hadn't noticed she was saying something or a word actually over and over. I went too far gone, black dots start to cloud your vision and the only sound i could hear Billie panting my name along with a few curses in between. "You're gonna make me cum." she whines, billie actually whines and it's like music to my ears and i felt her fingers pressing harsh circles onto my clit which blured my vision completely. it feels like something inside of me completely snaps and the feeling starts at my toes, it's tingly and i don't think i've cummed this hard before. Tears are falling and I'm completely spent but Billie is still chasing her release so i let her use me for her own.  with each pass in, my pussy contracts around her and it makes her eyes roll to the back of her head. Im so sensitive from the previous orgasms, that the fact another one is working it's way through me right now is no surprise. My last orgasm is what does Billie in, she can't take it anymore and she roughly thrusts in one more time before yelling out a harsh "Fuck" into my ears .she fills the last condom we had and she stays inside of me until she empties out.

Finally, we got done "Thats the best sex i have ever fucking had" She says . "Agreed" was all i could say.  

We hear the door knock. Billie got up and opened the door to see chloe begging to go out to the park. "Momma i wanna go to duh park!!!" she whined. Billie quickly changed into her pants and an oversized t-shirt and left with Chloe "bye baby " i said causing Billie and Chloe to look back i let out a small giggle at that. 

I was making dinner when i remembered that i gave Billie a FUCK LOT OF HICKEYS.... oh god i don't wanna open daily news right now i thought to myself but i had to so....


Haaaa i let out a sigh of relief....

and then Slid through the post to see...



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