Dinner Embarrassment

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Y/n's pov

I was going to get late for school .. Billie was still sleeping. "Billie wake up baby" "mhmm uhgh" she groaned. I looked over to the time and yep the dreaded 10mins I got to reach school. Changed into Billie's t-shirt and my skirt. "Y/n ?? you ready??" she called out. She grabbed her keys to the dragon. "did we have any assignments bil?" "Um no I don't think so" I saw Billie's bulge grow while she was driving. "Bil not now please?" "we're gonna get late" she replied with a smirk. 
In school... 
"Good morning beautiful," Ben said. I looked over if Billie was there cause she would legit fuck this dude up. "hey ben " I said nervously. "where's your -" I looked over my shoulder and "Billie?" I blurted out. "Yeah, I was gonna say Billie". Billie looked really red and kinda hot at the moment. "Hey, babe " "Hi bil" she looked over to Ben signaling him to leave and he did. Most of the guys are scared of her. "Can we talk Bil?" "Hmm let's see do I have time for my wonderful girlfriend?" she said smiling. We were walking to math class holding hands. "So um Mom and dad are coming over" Billie nervously said " uh ok so um -" "yeah so I want you to meet them" She refused OBVIOUSLY "Billie please I met your parents and I do want you to meet mine" "Y/n your dad was in the fucking army and your mom is nice but still I don't wanna get shot" "Listen, baby, it's fine you're gonna be okay" she sighed. "I'll think about it ... and I'll see you after class" *Everyone look at who's late. ALL eyes were on me. I bent down my head and walked in. Mrs. Rose is such a bitch I'm just waiting for Billie to realize that so she can beat her up. "Only if you could stop hanging out with Billie and fooling around could you pay attention to the class" Istg this bitch. 
After class*                                                                                                                                                                                 I met Billie at Starbucks cause her class ended half an hour after mine. "Heyyy cutie"  "one cold frap please and 2 sandwiches" she ordered and we sat at the table. "Have you thought about it?" she looked so nervous "yeah fine I'll meet them" she sighed. "Billie comes on don't be like this-" she kissed my lips and whispered "I'm just doing it for you" I smiled at her words. After we ate and got off Starbucks. She drove us home and I had to say it.

" uh Billie they're coming over today for dinner um-" she looked at me with her mouth hanging open in disappointment. "Y/n you know early notice wouldn't be bad" she chuckled in pain and anxiety. "I'm going out to get them something," she said and left.

Billie's Pov:

Jesus Christ, I'm nervous as shit. I feel like I should get flowers for her mom and idk a wine bottle for her dad. Yeah, I think that's hehe good. I obviously got mobbed by paparazzi all the way to the shop. "Yeah, 2 bottles .. thank you" "a buffet of red roses please... thanks" I drove home still nervous. "Billie???" y/n yelled as she heard the door open. "Yesss???" "get ready we're going there a change of plans.. "right"

Y/n's pov: 

Billie changed into a sweatshirt and joggers and I put on cycling shorts and a crop. "Y/n can we leave ?? " I know how much Billie likes making good first impressions. "COMINGGG" I yelled. The entire drive there I could feel Billie sweating so I held her hand and calmed her down. To my surprise, I was scared and nervous too. I had told my parents about her and they were okay with it but still... 

The door opened and I saw my mom with a big smile on her face
"MOmmmmmm" "hii my angel" I hugged her. " Good evening Mrs. Y/l/n " Mom smiled and hugged Billie too. "hiii Billie, it's so nice to finally meet you!!" she said happily. Tbh mom always liked Billie it was dad whom I was scared of. "Congrats on your 7th time grammy " She clapped. "Aha thank you so much :)" she smiled. "Please come in," she said Billie held me by my waist and we walked inside. Shit, i muttered under my breath and gulped. Billie spoke out handing out the flowers to my mom and the wine bottle to dad "Good evening Sir" she said I could just feel the nervousness at this point. "Good evening Billie " he smiled and greeted her. 
We spoke for a while and finally "FOOD'S READY"

Billie's pov:

I was legit shitting bricks. "So Billie we've already heard a lot about you, and obviously seen a lot of you on the television," Dad said smiling. "hehe yeah um I do come on the t.v alot" "when did you start dating Y/n?" "DAD," y/n said laughing. "what just a question," he said chuckling. I looked over at y/n and-"when did I meet you first?" her mom started simping and her dad just made heart eyes. she obviously melted at that. "you both are cute as hell!!" her mom said and her dad agreed. 

Y/n's pov :

The food was a bit plain I asked for salt. "daddy can you pass the salt " I said and saw Billie and my dad reach for the salt. I felt my heart coming out of my god damn chest and then mom and I broke out laughing leaving Billie EMBARRASSED. "Can you excuse us guys?" I said still laughing and took Billie to my room. 
Thud* I closed the door. Tracing her jawline and red embarrassed face" so daddy pass the salt" I said laughing. She smirked and pinned me against the wall. "Billie my parents are outside," I said blushing. "They can hear me fuck their daughter then-" I ran out of Billie's grasp and left her smirking throughout the entire dinner. 

We left my parent's house waving to them before going my dad said something to Billie that softened her heart. " Take care of my daughter," he said smiling. "Until my soul decays," Billie says making me smile. Her hand was on my thigh the entire time. "You know I love you Y/n " "I love you too Billie, " I said kissing her softly. 

Next morning 

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