Oh boy...

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"hehe um I might have-" "FINNEAS WHAT THE HELL " "ASK YOUR WIFE TOO UM" I looked at Billie who tried running away. I cut the call. "Okay, that's it one more bad word out of your mouth in front of Chloe and no ME for a week". "Come on babe" "No bil" she tried getting me in her grasp.

10 pm...
Billie was in a meeting with her team I might have overheard them "Billie we have a week to go before tour have you told Y/n yet?" "Yeah, but as yall know we have the second one on the way and Chloe's too small we'll need tighter securities so I want yall to inform the security service and the LAPD for extra and tighter service." "Yeah, Billie that'll be taken care off" "Alright that's all I need " "Okay we'll be flying private this time" Billie just nodded. 

I was making dinner...
She came into the kitchen and snuggled her arms around me "Done with your meeting?" I smiled as I felt her kissing my neck. "Billlll stoppp" I giggled and she imitated me. "I wuv youuu" "I love you too babyy" she replied. "Okay listen if we are going for tour I wanna shop a bit for Chloe and myself." "Ahhhh okay then ma'am my wallet's at your service" she said smiling taking her hands down to my ass." Okay that's it sugar daddy" I said to her getting out of her grasp and biting my lips. She smelled the  food "ahh what is thisss" "Burritos for you & me  andddd custard apple for your daughter" "Aww and my deserts?" Billie did her grabbie hand thing on me "Maybe laterrr "
I went upstairs and got chloe down. 
Billie was watching a movie and sitting on the couch. "Mommaa" chloe went sitting on Billie's lap. She pulled her up "Heyy princess" I got food onto the couch and all of us started eating. "Mommy I wanna buy clofes woo" I think she overheard me and Billie talking about buying new clothes. "Okayyy cutie" 
Soon later after Chloe and Billie finished their dinner I decided to tell them... 
First the news that Billie already knew
"Chloe you know how you always wanted a baby brother or sister righttt?" She gave me the most innocent eyes." Yef mommy" "Well Momma and I are having another baby" Chloe started jumping happily." Billie smiled and we started laughing at how happy chloe was. And now came the part that Billie didn't know either... 

I went up to her and cuddled next her after Billie put chloe to sleep while we were watching 365 days... 

I whispered in her ear.. "Its a boy-"

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