Double trouble

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A deep and heavy sigh fell from Billie's lips as she stood by the bed. "

But her worries were washed away when "its fine bil we'll figure something out for chloe and us " Her Eyes canned the room before they instantly landed on Me. A warm smile forms on her lips as I opened my arms. "Another great show." Billie smiles at the approval, falling into your arms where she shoved her face into your chest.

her chin rested on the top of my head as she stroked my back

Since she got famous, we had been getting attacked by paparazzi. every step of the way. Working behind the scenes until Happier Than Ever was being made and she wanted me on the project. Not only to have a secret track on the album but to help Finneas and her with production. It may have been through the time that Billie felt a connection with me because it wasn't soon after its release that the both of us got chloe..

"Y/n are you alright?"

"Well, I'm alright?" her thumb brushed over my cheek with a soft smile. 

"Billie Its fine .. somethings just take time to get used to " I said smiling pecking her on the lips.

"I have to meet claudia right now so I'm heading out  ok?" Billie gave me the "YOU SERIOUS?!" look. I laughed at her confused face. "Bye babbbyyy " i kissed her and left "Billie wait don't forget to pick chloe up okay?" "Love you and yeahh byeee" 

Billie's pov
she's gonna be paparazzied i thought to myself so i kept updating the daily news 




DAILY NEWS.. "The O'Connell family's wives meet up for lunch"

Oh god-

I took dragon and left for fin's house to pick chloe up..

"hey fin 2 mins away get her outside i cant leave the car too many people " "Yeahh alr" 

He came out with chloe "Stay the next time bil " he yelled. I laughed and gave him the finger and left with chloe.

"hey baby how was it" 

"fuck mama " 

"uh- what?" i was really surprised with what she said..given by the fact that she's 4

"FUCKKKKK" she yelled laughing not knowing shit about what it meant 

"Y/n's gonna kill fin" i said laughing nervously  and drove chloe home.


Y/n's pov 
We stopped at a really good restaurant and the paparazzi were already there..

Claudia was sitting at our table 

"Heyyyy bitchhhhh" she yelled happily. "hey babbeeeee" I said putting my LV bag down 
"SO... how was my daughter haha" "amazing," she said smiling. 

"okay sooo I have news" I said causing suspense. "Im listening... WAIT OMG ARE YOU PREGNANT?!??!!!?" "Uhm that's exactly what i don't know ughh my stomach has been hurting and stuff" "Well wait did you fuck with a condom?" "hmm lets see... 

"Are you that needy, baby?" Grabbing my hips, she yanked them back into her crotch. A shaky exhale fell from my lips as she rolled her hips against my ass. It didn't take any longer for Billie to notice the bulge that was pressed between my cheeks. And the way i was rolling my hips was nothing short of heavenly.

"See i  think so... " i told Claudia. "did yall like do anything when chloe was with us ?" i kinda blushed. "Well there you go" Claudia said widening her eyes with a big smile. 

I felt like some paparazzi dude heard us which was shit scary cause i didn't want billie to know by some news acct. 

Billie's pov

I put chloe to sleep ... i wanted to know where Y/n was i was kinda missing her a lot. 
I opened daily news and...

"Y/N AND BILLIE EILISH EXPECTING CHILD NUMBER TWO???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!" * a picture of y/n and Claudia talking.


RINGGGG............... "hello?!?!?!" "Heyyy babbeeeee" "ANOTHER KID?!?!?" 

"Um yeah about that -

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