Oh no..

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*MAJOR TIME SKIP *cause im lazy asf*

Billie's pov

"Mama" chloe yelled along the hallways. "Yesssss come here you little pumpkin" she came running like a baby penguin. "Im hungwyy" chloe whined. "You want to go out for waffles baby?" "Yeff mama" she smiled. "Dont even think about it " Y/n said. "come on babe nothing is going to happen we legit have 2 bodyguards especially for chloe" I tried explaining to her but that didn't work. sigh*. "Mommyy" so chloe ran to her. "Wafflesss waffles waffles" chloe started throwing a huge tantrum."Billie its not safe don't go" she did seemed concerned tbh so was I. "Fine fine we'll make something at home .." We made waffles and ate them. "Mommy I am going to play with my toyess" Chloe said running up again. I sat next to Y/n and slid my hand across her thighs. She looked at me and gave me a "dont do this now" look. "Bil chloe can be down anytime soon you know-" before she could say another word I kissed her. 

Y/n's pov

I couldn't believe she's horny right fucking now. chloe's upstairs finding her toys so for now I guess its fine. "Mphh bil-" her hands travelled through my ass and she squeezed it making me moan. The room suddenly turned hot and.."Jump" billie said and I did so. "Bil she'll come out anytime soon. "shush not now-" she picked me up and took me to the room and locked it  she was between my legs and I kinda feel her pressuring her dick on my pussy especiallymy clit

She unbuttoned mybra and start sucking on  my nipple and with the other hand she just massage my other boob.

i stopped her and looked at her.

I need you,fuck me daddyy!I want you're dick in my tight pussy right now please "Damn,wait princess just a bit!" Billie goes down and leaves kisses on my abdomen and goes down to my panties. She took off my panties with her teeth but looking at you seductively. Pleaa- Before im done with my words she put 3 fingers in my pussy and start pounding enough faster to make me scream not just moan. You want me to fuck you,then i'll fuck you until your voice will break Ahh fuckkk yessss!!Right there! You like that little slut,right Fuck yeahh daddyy!! She began to lick my clit harshly to hit my climax more faster. I put my hands on her hard and pushed down. Let me fuck you or i'll put my dick in you to see then who you will grab by the hair. i let my hair and grab the sheets arching my back by the pleasure billie was giving me. She kept pounding but she stopped sucking and reached her hand to my boobs and start squeezing them. It's okay like this? She curls her fingers up hitting my g-spot with every thrust she was doing. Fuckk yess,i'm cummingg!!! Let it out. She pulled her fingers out exactly at the moment I have myorgasm and she grabs my hair. Billie tries to take off her bra but I pulled her in and start kissing her lips and then i took off her bra. She break the kiss and took her boxers off looking at you. Oh my god billie,ur so big! She get closer to me slowly and start kissing my neck just to tease. i felt her dick around my pussy. :Pleasee! Please what? Fuck me already,i want you inside me just pleasee stop teasingg ohhh myy- She slides her hard dick inside pounding in a normal pace.Is that what you want?? She went more faster but keep kissing my neck and moaning in my ear. Answer bitch!-she slapped you're ass enough to speak Yesss,fuckk! Shitt,you feel so good baby oh fuckk! (Remind,you chloe's in the next room ) Billie was pounding more deeper and in the same time faster. She was hitting now my g-spot which made me feel at the level maxim to pleasure.Don'ttt...don't stopp ahhh jesuss! Billie stopped to change the position...iwas on top of her now.She slides her dick in and i started start riding crazy. Billie has her hands on my waist and i have my hands on her chest which makes her chest red by the pressure your hands have. I'm close fuckkk!Me too,me too ahhh!! she moved her hands to my tits and start squeezing it and she moved her hands to my ass in response and slapped how hard she can.Right there daddyyy,i'm cumming!Me too,let's...let's do it at the same time,fuckk! Yes yess!ThreeTwo...Fuck Oneee!! we mixed our cums and were in our own orgasms. Jesuss billie!!Sheesh,that wass good and hot as fuck!We need to do this every fucking day Yeah! I collapsed on billie's chest and both of us stayed in bed for like 10 minutes.

Suddenly we heard the bathroom door of Our room open ..."

FUCK..um chloe-

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