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"Billie come back chloe has your credit card and is spending a hell lot" Maggie said through the phone. "ugh mom let her buy some toys bye now love you " "Okay bil love you too byee" Billie kept the phone and looked at me. "Y/n I-" RINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. She got interrupted by her phone ringing again. "Hey man whatsup" billie said. "Uh yeah yeah i'll be there in the evening right? ... ight see you then bro bye" She looked at me. "Sooo we have a party to go to in the evening i was thinking about leaving chlo with mom". "Yeah okay then we have to go back to the hotel to get dressed." Billie backed up the car and drove back to the hotel. 


"Babe are you ready?" Billie yelled from the bathroom. "Yeah 2 mins" I finished wearing my shoes and we left. "Damn baby you look so fkn fine i could bend you down right here" Well yeah she was kinda horny. I pulled her by the neck and gave her a kiss. "Billie fast get in" Finneas said asking us to get in (oh yeah Claudia and finneas were coming too). Billie rested her head on my shoulder while Claudia and Finneas were in the front sit. "hey babe". "Yeah" billie said. "Im kinda worried about chloe." "Y/n baby you're just worried right now i know its not easy but she's with my mom and its gonna be alright okay dont worry i love you and chloe's gonna be fine" I looked at Billie and gave her a kiss. 

we reached the party. 

"HEYYYYYY HOLLYWOOOODDD" Some dude greeted Billie and finneas. "Yo dude whats good " billie laughed and hugged some people. After a while they started serving drinks and im talking HARD drinks. "Babe you want something?" Billie asked me before she dove into the bar. "Honey dont drink alot" i told Billie . She looked at me and winked. Claudia grabbed my hand and took me to the side and we danced. 

After an hour
I heard a glass break "EVRERYONEF CAN YOU GIMEME YUOR-WHOOPS ATTENTINON" Billie slurred her words. "IM HAVING A BABY TOMORROWDD WITHDS FTAH BEAUTUFIUL WJMEMOMEN." oh god. Finneas claudia and i took Billie and left the party. "Billie you're really drunk". "Noooo youf drfunk" she said laughing. She's so cute tfff the alcohol in her breath was too much. how much did she even drink. We had an early doctor's appointement tomorrow how is she even gonna - nvm. We reached the hotel i flopped her on the side of the bed and put the covers on her and kissed her good night. 

Billie's pov

Fuck im so fuckin stoneddd ahhhh... I got down and saw Y/n in my shirt and in her underwear with messy hair. I felt my dick coming up by the fucking sec... Billie not today" y/n said. Oops, I think I THOUGHT that too loud. I walked towards her and hugged her from behind. I relaxed my head on her shoulders and kissed her in the cheeks. "Good morning love" I said "good morning baby" and she kissed me back. Y/n made some pancakes with strawberries and blue berries. Mmm yummy 

timeskip cause why not 

 Y/n's pov 
We finished eating and I put the dishes on the sink. I can still see billie is horny.. Ugh this bitch. My bitch. We are now sitting at the couch waiting for our car to come for the doctor's appointment "baby" I said and she hums in respond. "How much more timeee" I whined. 

FINALLY the car came... 
Billie and I sat down and in about 15 mins we reached..
"Y/n you're nexttt..." I felt my heart pound. I rested my self in the chair. "Billie how are you" The doc asked. "Im fine hehe thanks dude" Billie crossed her arms . "Okay so you see that peanut sized thing? thats your baby" "wait what the- " the doc looked at it closely. 
" um Billie can i have a word with you please?" The doc said taking Billie out.

Billie's pov. 
"yeah doc whats up" I said getting into small conversation before leaving..."Billie you and Y/n are having twins.." WTAF DID I JUST HEAR... 


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