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Billie's pov 

I woke up feeling well excited about the new semester, new kids and all really hyped me up I couldn't wait to get to school." Billie!!" dad yelled. I grabbed my breakfast and ran down the stairs, almost tripping on my jordans (well, we're rich). I grabbed breakfast and ran to my car a dodge challenger and started to rage along the roads of California.SKrrrttt... I reached hamilton high. Everyone's eye caught my appearance, not a big deal I was a big deal in high school. I met my friends Zoe and drew outside. we were talking about shit until I came across this girl in the cafeteria who was listening to music and sitting alone. This school has known me for being a player and a bitch and shit but I really wanted to change that today. "Yo Zoe, can you help me out with that girl there?" "for sure dude," Zoe said. I watched as Zoe walked up to her. Soon after a 6-second talk, Zoe got slapped on the face by the girl who started yelling at her "what the fuck why in the hell would i " and she left. Embarrassment grew upon my face and I left. Zoe and drew followed me. "We gotta get that girl back for what she did Bil come on " drew said. "Let this one go I'll talk to her," I said. 

A few lectures passed by... 

The girl was sitting beside me in class so I got to her and said "hey so about earlier I am really sorry" she looked at me and smiled sarcastically "whatever " she said. I looked at her head to toe she has a mini skirt on and a full sleeve blacktop. "Come on u still mad?" . "Yep and why do you care, and who tf are you?!" she replied . "my name is Billie I have been in Hamilton high since I was 6 years old. and you must be ?" "Oh shit fuck I am so sorry, so you're Billie Eilish?!" I looked at her trying to find sarcasm in what she said but didn't get anything so I just said "um yeah why" "I am really sorry for yelling at you earlier, I love your parent's work!!" "Uhh, thanks so you wanna come over home today if you wanna meet them since you're a big fan ?" I said offering help. "OMG yes a billion times Yesss!!"  screaming in a cute way. "My name is y/n btw I just moved in from new jersey" "And I am - "I was cut off "i know you are the Billie Eilish well" Not gonna lie she reminded me of finneas lol. So after school, I called out to y/n . "hey you coming?" I yelled across 12 people . "yepppp" she indicated with her hand. We walked to my car and stepped in. The entire ride was awkward she slept. Her skirt was lifted up so I pulled it down, her legs were shaking and were cold I put my hand on them and she woke up. 

Y/n's pov :

I woke up and Billie's hand was on my thigh. I felt a sudden feeling of comfort. I looked at her while she was driving her jawline was sharp as hell and she looked so fucking hot. "hey you woke up " she said smiling. "mhmm" I said. her smile was so soft and sexy at the time. ring...her  phone rang .... after the call got over Billie took a turn and drove to her house. "Bil?" I said her cheeks turned red. "um yeah?" she said "where are we going?" "to my house for a bit ". She got into her driveway her house was huge. 

Billie's pov:

 We got out of the car. "Woah," she said as we entered my house. I took her to my room. "Yo your room is huge" she yelled. "Y/n calm down," I said laughing. She placed herself on my bed and charged her phone. We spoke for a good hour and then I wanted to go for a bath. "It's really hot I'm going for a bath why don't you put on some Netflix huh?" I said. "Sure" she replied.

Y/n's pov:

I saw Billie remove her t-shirt and she looked smoking hot. her jawline flexed out. As she removed her pants I saw her getting a boner. "FUCK" I didn't know she had a dick. I put my hand on my mouth as I gasped. I didn't think much of it and put on a Netflix show (friends) and started watching. The door clicked after a good 15 mins and Billie came out with wet hair and a towel wrapped around she looked so fucking hot her lips looked soft as fuck I could kiss her right now so bad. Billie wore sweatpants and a t-shirt and sat down next to me . "Hey whatchu watching " "friends" I replied. She made herself comfortable on her couch. After a while, I saw her dick bulging up. She looked at me with lust in her eyes. her eyes turned storm blue and she moved towards me. The heat between us grew and I finally got the courage from nowhere and pulled her into a kiss. "baby" she groaned into the kiss. "mhmm not now" She slipped her hand in my pants making me wetter by the minute. "You want me to go faster princess?" . "yes daddy" I moaned. Her hands flicked faster and harder on my pussy. "Baby I'm close " "aghhh" Billie didn't stop and I came on her fingers. "You did so well," Billie said. She kissed me softly on my lips and I sat on her cuddling her. "What about your parents?" I asked. "They'll come back later," She  leaned into a kiss. "You should sleep here tonight baby you look tired," she said. I fell asleep in her arms like a lil baby.

next morning...

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