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It was Monday and I had to wake up and get my ass out of bed to go to school...I hate that place :(

I hurried, choose my outfit for today, and went on my way to school.

I got there and before entering I took my heart in my teeth...

Ugh...this girl again

This it's Billie Eilish...this girl hates me so much, I don't know why.

There is not a day that she does not laugh at me...but I got used to it.

I passed her, but I saw her come back after me.

Billie: you, this bitch again (laughing)

Everyone in the hallway looked at me so I started to feel very ashamed...I hurried to class.

Unfortunately for me, I was in the same class as her.

I started the first hour of lessons...she was with 2 benches behind me.

Everything went well until I urgently needed to go to the bathroom.

I asked permission and the teacher let me.

I left the classroom and headed for the bathroom.

After entering the toilet I heard a door closing, but it was not the bathroom door...I didn't care...

After a few seconds, I heard the bathroom door slowly open...I was still in the toilet.

I was quiet but nothing was heard.
I decide to go out because nothing bad could happen...

When I went out, I was a little scared because Billie was by the door.

Y/N: Wtf is doing here?

Billie: Oh...I see you're bold

I took courage, even though I knew what she was doing to do, and I said:

Y/N: Yes

Billie: Bitch, listen to me! If I catch you around me you will suffer, stay away from me! I came to warn you.

Billie pushed me against the wall suddenly

Billie: You understand?

She said this, staring into my eyes and I nodded

Before she left, she grabbed my ass and slapped me.

She motioned for me not to say anything.

I did not know what to do...I felt very strange about what happened earlier.

I entered the classroom but I didn't even look at Billie.

The first lesson was over, but I didn't want to go outside so I got ready for the next.
I didn't pay attention to Billie instead I kept thinking about what happened in the bathroom but I couldn't tell anyone how I felt.

I finished all the classes but to my surprise, Billie hasn't told me anything since...

I left school on the way home because I'm pretty close...

As I was walking home, I heard someone calling my name

When I turned my back it was Billie.

Billie: Wait!

I was very confused but also scared at the same time...

I had nowhere to go so I waited for her to come.

Billie: Hey, I just want to tell you something!

Y/N: No! I know what you want to do...(You said with fear)

Y/N: If you want to hit me, then do it!

I closed my eyes because I knew Billie wanted to hurt me, and because of my fear, I had tears in my eyes

Y/N: Do it! Hit me now!
(With tears in your eyes)

Billie came to you

Billie: What?... Hey, don't cry...I'm not doing anything to you!

Billie: Y/N open your eyes and look at me, please!

*You opened your eyes slowly*

Y/N: I can't stand these things anymore! (You said, looking at her with tears)

Billie: What things?

Y/N: The things you've done me for 3 years! I don't understand why, why you hate me, aren't you tired of making fun of me and laughing at me so much?...

Why do you always tell me whore, what am I to you...just nobody?

Billie: That's why I came here...but hey, don't cry...I'm not doing anything to you, I just came to apologize!

Y/N: For what??

Billie: For what I've done to you all these years...I know you'll never forget me, but I want you to know that I'm so sorry

Billie wiped the tears from your cheeks
Billie: Shh...It's okay, stop crying, please!

Your head fell on Billie's shoulder and she then hugged you

Billie: It's okay...calm down a little okay?

You nodded but, couldn't believe what you were in a state of shock

Billie: Can I come with you? (She said in a softer voice)

Y/N: No,I go alone

Billie: No, please let me come with you!

Y/N: I don't know...

Billie: Please!

*time speed*

You get home...

Billie: Y/N please, I can come with you, but a little, I want to talk more, please!

Y/N: I don't know if it's a good idea...

Billie: Please!!

Y/N: Alright, but little!

Billie: Okayy (She said that happy)

You entered the house, then you went upstairs to your room with Billie

Y/N:Take a seat.

Billie:Thanks,I rave to tell you some things!
Y/N:A s would be?

Billie:T hat I'm sorry about everything did to you and...I still have a lot but one is important to me.


Billie:I  don't want to tell you,I 'm afraid of your reaction.

Y/N:I 'm very curious now,t ell me please!

Billie:A nother time,I don't think you want me to tell you...anyway,l et's change the subject!

*Few seconds of silence*

Y/N:S o,how should I forget all that happened

Billie:I  don't know exactly how but I will find a way...

Y/N:Y ou??

*Billie nodded*

Billie:L isten...from now onI promise you,I  wwon'tlet anyone hurt you!

You were somewhat amazed and did not know what to think

Y/N:A re you kidding me?

Billie:No Y/N, I'm not!

Y/N: Anyway...can you please leave my room for 2 minutes,I  need to change my clothes.

Billie leaves the room but stays behind the door...the door was left very little open.

She look at you from behind the door but you didn't notice her.

You were almost naked only with your panties on.

Billie's Pov:

Fuck man!I watch Y/N undress.

I didn't expect her to take off her bra...she's so fucking hot!...Maybe I'm a fool but I want to fuck her right now.

*Shut up Billie,you need to calm down now*

I watched her as I got more and more horny

Jesus...her ass!

*That's enough*

I went to the bathroom to calm down without her hearing me.

I was sweaty and very horny.

*Billie!*-She yelled

I'm at the bathroom—I said

I went out of the bathroom and she was by the door.

You okay?-She said

Yeah-I said

But you're sweaty-She said

No,I'm okay...I have to go home

Oh okay,see you tomorrow-She said

If you need something just call me!
No,it's okay-She said

Before I left,I hugged her and honestly it was hard not to touch her fucking big ass!

I hurried home because I wasn't far from her house.


I entered in the house and walked quickly to my room,locking the door.

My thoughts were still on Y/N...still horny as fuck!

I remember that when I was watching her undressing,I took her a picture.

I don't know what the hell to do!

I'm still sweaty and horny so i took off my hoodie and my t-shirt so...I lay down on the bed and opened the phone looking at the picture I took of her.

I couldn't resist so I took off my pants and boxers.

My mom was not at home and my father because they were at my brother's house so I can do what I want...

I looked again at the picture that turns me on more and more...I start masturbating like crazy looking to the picture.

It was much better if Y/N was here but anyway...hormones

After,I went to the bathroom to take a shower.
In the meantime,my parents came home from my brother.

Billie's Mom:Billie!We returned...if you want to talk with us,we're in the kitchen!


I got out of the bathroom and went to my room to get dressed then I went to the kitchen and greeted my mom and dad.

10 minutes I talked with them,and then I went to my room thinking about Y/N.

At one point I heard my phone and received a was Y/N.

I became very happy because she text me

(Billie it's with red,Y/N with blue)

🔵Hi Billie!I need your help right now!

🔴Oh...Y/N what happened?It's 10Am...

🔵Don't ask,come to my house quickly!

🔴Oh...ofc,but it's something bad?

seen at 10:14Am


🔴Y/N???Are you okayyy???Don't scare me pleasee!!!

I started to worry and went to her house as fast I could.

I arrived and knocked the door scared.

Y/N's mom opened the door with a strange face.

Y/N's mom:I know you?(confused)

Billie:Um...i'm a friend of your daughters...My name is Billie!
Y/N's you're the girl who made fun of my daughter right?? need to tal-

Y/N's mom:You should go home and stop coming here !!

Billie:But...Y/N told me to come to her house because she needed help urgently!

Meanwhile Y/N heard her mother yelled at Billie and came there quickly

Y/N:Mom wtf are you doing??

Y/N's mom:This is the girl you told me she made fun of you??

Y/N:Oh,I see you care now...let her fucking in because I need her helpp!!

Y/N's mom:How I will let this hoe to come in our house?

Y/N:Shut the fuck upp!!!I hate you mom!!If you will call her like that,I have nothing to look for in your house!

Y/N's mom:Whait a sec...Who do you think you are?

Y/N:You know what...leave me alone and don't interrupt us because I have something to discuss with Billie!

Y/N:Come in Billie...we will go in my room!

Billie was kinda sad about your mom call her like that.

Billie comes in your room and you lock the door after you enter.

Y/N:Billie...I need to talk with you!
Billie:Say it.

*You see that billie feels really sad*

Y/N:Billie look at me one sec!


Y/N:I know that my mom it's a fucking ass hoe...she never let me be happy.

Billie:But how did she know who I am and what I did to you?

Y/N:Logically I told her that but I don't know why she pay so much attention because she wasn't interested in anything when I told her I had problems.

Billie:Anyway,It was all my fault in this thing and yes,I've always been a hoe... (Looking on the floor)

Y/N:Noo,d on't even say that!You're such a beautiful and amazing girl and I'm serious!

Y/N:You came as fast as you could and that delights me even more!

Billie:Because I care Y/N,I care!!

Y/N:You don't have a reason to be sad because of my fucking stupid mom!

Billie:Now I understand what you went through and how you felt when I hurt you!I'm really so sorry and I don't know what to do,to forgive me!

Y/N:Let's forget this thing!

Billie:No,It's not that easy!

Y/N:Yes it is...

Y/N:That's what I called you to talk about.

Billie:About what?


Billie:Me??What yare ou trying to say Y/N???

*Billie went closer to you*

Y/N:I  don't even know how to say this but...

Billie:Oh...I know what it is.

Y/N: What??

Billie:Yes, I know that you want to tell me to stay away from you and never talk again...

*You look at Billie and wide your eyes*

Y/N: What, noo! I just wanna say if...

Billie: If??Y/N if what??

Y/N: I don't know how to say, I need to show!

Billie: Then show me.

Y/N: Billie I...Umm...I have...fuck I don't know how to say it!

Billie: It is so hard?

Y/N: Okay...can you please cover your eyes?

Billie: Um...why?...okay anyway

Y/N: Do not cheat!!

Billie: Okayy!

Billie's Pov:

I already knew what she wanted to do but I was afraid if she wasn't what I was thinking.

Fuck, I want to kiss her right now!

I don't think it would be that bad...I'll kiss her before she does anything
Y/N's Pov:

I don't know how I should tell her I started liking her so I'll kiss her.

Sure she'll hate me after that, but that's it!

If she can't see me, it's even better...I'll do it!

*As you approached Billie, she took her hand from her eyes and without hesitation kissed you*

*You looked at Billie surprised*

Billie: Omg, I'm sorry!! I didn't have to do that!! I'm sorry!!!

Y/N: Don't be! (You smiled at Billie)

*You kissed Billie again but passionately*

Billie: Wow, Y/N I'm sorry but I need to go to the bathroom!

Y/N: blushed (chuckling)

But...You noticed something strange while Billie was going to the bathroom. 

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