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Billie and Finneas were in a meeting for a while so I took chloe Claudia and maggie with me for lunch to a really cool restaurants. "Table for 5 " I said. We sat down and started ordering shit. "So y/n how's the trip going so far" maggie asked me. "Pretty awesome," I said giggling. "Grandmaaaaa" Chloe called from one end of the table to another. "Where's mommaaa" she whined. "She is with uncle Finneas" Maggie said taking chloe in her arms. "So Y/n when is the sonography thing??" Claudia asked. "Tomorrow" Claudia , maggie and chloe turned their heads towards me and widened their eyes, surprisingly so did chloe even tho she doesn't know wtf was happening. "TOMORROW?!" "DUDEEE" "Waittt so tomorrow you're gonna find out if its a boy or a girl-" Before claudia could complete her sentence we saw a black car that stopped in front of the restaurant. "MOMMAAA" Chloe yelled cause the car looked similar to Billie's. And yeah it was her and Finneas. "Heyyy princess" Billie yelled accidentally grabbing attention from every fucking person sitting in the restaurant. "Guyyyss I'm just here to have lunch with my family," She said getting away from the crowd. "hey baby," Billie said looking at me. I Hugged her her hands wandered around my waist. "Aww I missed you" she said. "I missed you too but-" before I could complete she kissed me. "EWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Chloe rugged out. Billie and I started laughing. 


"Billie so tomorrow is the sonography" I told her. She excitedly smiled with a quirky smile. "Thats greattt" she jumped up and down like a lil baby. "Mommaaaa" Chloe said. Billie picked her up in her arms and we sat down and ate lunch with our family. Soon later my phone rang "Hey y/n" it was my doctor. "Hii doc" "is billie around you?" he asked. "Yeah she's next to me" i said looking over to Billie. "Okay tomorrow is your appointment before her show right?" "Yeah" "Okay see you take care" "Thanks doc you too" ...."Who was that?" Billie asked. "The doctor to confirm if we'll be coming for the check up" Billie smiled and kissed me "ofc we are" I looked at her innocent eyes and drowned in her innocence. "Mommy can we goooo" Chloe whined. "Honey why dont u go with momma for a drive? mommy has work to do"  i said making chloe happy ughhh such a daddy's girl. "Babe-" before she could finish her sentence i kissed her good bye. 

Billie's pov. 
Okay so my wife has left me with my daughter how nice. I picked chloe up and left from the crowd making my way to the car. "Momma where are we going ?" chloe asked. "I am taking you for a drive ... so chloe you might be getting a baby brother or a baby sister are u excited ?" i asked her. She started jumping out of joy ...jeez she reminds me sooo much of Y/n i was kinda missing her alot. I called Y/n . Ringggggg... "Hey bil" she said "I miss you" "Aww baby i miss you too" "HEWOOOO MOMMMYYYYYYY" Chloe yelled. "Where are you right now?" i asked her. "right now we're at the city center. Can you come?" "yeah" i kept the phone and raced to the city center mall. "Chloe we're going to mommy" she looked at me confused no doubt on that cause i just told her we were going for a drive but i was missing Y/n. 

We were at the mall ... chloe went with my mom , claudia and fin and i was with Y/n

"Heyyyy babbyyy" I said holding her by the waist. "Billie are you-" i knew what she was gonna say. "Maybe" . she looked down scanning my pants. "Babe" i took her back to our car. "where are we going?" she said smirking. I put my hands on her thigh. "Billie you've already got me pregnant TWICE what more?" 

Y/n's pov
Billie was so fucking horny. I put my hands in her pants while driving. I could litreally feel her getting hard. "FUck Y/n" she groaned and threw her head back. Unfortunately she couldnt finish cause....

"hey mom" Billie said picking up her phone. 

"Billie chloe has -" 


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