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"Your what" I knew you would get mad?" Get tears started running down her cheek. "Baby no I'm not mad at all. I'm just in major shock and happy at the same time. "Really?!"  "Yes, I am" I showered Y/N with hugs and kisses. "You have no clue how relieved I am Billie". She looked so innocently soft right now. "Y/N?" "Yeah bil?". I went down on one knee... "OMG BILLIE ARE YOU SERIOUS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" "Y/N/L/N will you make me the happiest person ever by marrying me.."  "OMG YES BILLIE A FUCKING BILLION TIMES YESSSS" I pulled Y/N closer into a hug slid the diamond ring on her finger. "Baby this was the best day ever.. I can't wait to marry you Y/N," I said looking into her eyes. 

Y/N's pov 

"BILLIE FUCKING EILISH DID IT YES IM GONNA BE HER FUCKING WIFEEE" I screamed at the top of my voice. I pulled her into a long kiss. "you're gonna make a great mom" Billie whispered in my ear. "And you are too Billie " I kissed her long enough. "Y/N you don't know how much I have dreamed of this day to come true and it's better cause ITS YOU" "Billie baby I love you a lot" 
she pulled me into our big garden. We sat on the couch on the balcony and stargazed while talking about our future and kids and stuff. "I can't wait to marry you, Billie". "I can't wait for either baby" she pulled me closer into a soft kiss. She started getting into a mood and put her hands on my thigh. "Billie- " "shush" I moved her hand in my hand. "Bil I'm pregnant can we wait for it a bit?" she smiled "yeah .. listen Y/N can we wait to tell people ? I don't wanna go right into telling everyone right now... how about we tell everyone in ig a week or two?" "I think that's a great idea Eilish because obviously a lot of shit will go down if we say it now" "yeah agreed"  "I love you so much ..."  "I love you too Y/N "  



Y/N : OH FUCK...

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