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The sun hung high in the los angeles sky, illuminating Billie's and your house. you sighed as you looked at the day, wanting nothing more than to go enjoy it. suddenly, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

"what're you thinking about?" billie mumbled against you, her voice still slightly raspy from her sleep.

"i wanna go out," you answered.

"then go, i'll sit outside with you," she proposed as the two of you looked to out to her yard.

"no, i wanna go out. like, for a walk, with you," you said, though you knew you couldn't. with your statuses and hidden relationship that you both wanted out of the public eye, going out would be risky.

"we could take chloe" you muttered.

you heard billie sigh. she turned you around and looked you in the eyes, hers looking sad that she couldn't give you what you wanted.

"you know we can't," she said silently.

"i know," you breathed out.

she placed a light kiss on your lips before offering you a smile. she pulled you outside and sat next to you on the patio couch, throwing her arm around you and pulling you closer so you were leaning against her. you watched chloe play, running around the green grass chasing a butterfly  you enjoyed watching it all, your mood improving a little.

when the afternoon rolled around, billie went to check what was in the fridge.

"y/n," she called.

"yeah?" you answered as she came back outside.

"We have nothing for lunch," she said.

you got up to see what she meant, following her into the kitchen. she opened the fridge, showing you how there was quite literally nothing she could put together that would sustain the two of you.

"i meant to go grocery shopping yesterday," she said as you both looked at the nearly empty fridge.

you looked over at her and laughed, shaking your head at her statement.

"you wanna order in?" you asked.

"nope," she answered.

you looked at her with your brows furrowed, confusion written across your face.

"what're we gonna do for lunch, then?" you asked.

"we're gonna go out," she answered as if it was obvious.

"huh?" you said, racking your brain for similar-sounding sentences that she could've said instead.

"we're gonna go out for lunch. there's a nice vegan place just fifteen minutes away," she clarified, though you felt more confused than before.

"billie," you laughed.

"what?" she asked, now being the confused one.

"just this morning we were talking about how we can't go out in public together. now you're saying you wanna go out for lunch," you explained.

"it'll be fine," she said picking chloe up 

 You followed her out the door and began to walk. the sun was now almost directly above you, the cloudless sky contributing to the heat. as you walked, billie began to reach for your hand by the time you'd arrived at the restaurant, fans had already asked for multiple photos and the paparazzi had already begun to appear.

you got your menus almost immediately, billie telling you about what she had and hadn't tried and what she thought you'd like. by the time you ordered, you were starving. as you looked around, you noticed the paparazzi still there, but they kept their distance. billie was aware of them, too, so she watched what she did and how she behaved, afraid that someone would catch on.

you enjoyed your lunch, savouring the dish that had been recommended to you. you and billie made the same kind of conversation you would on a date but kept your voices low for some sort of privacy. eventually, you'd forgotten about the paparazzi lurking around the small restaurant and started to feel more comfortable.

once the bill was paid, you  handed chloe to billie. you began to walk the way you came, but billie tugged you the other way.

"where are we going?" you asked her.

"i want ice cream," she answered to which you shrugged, following her.

as you walked, billie intertwined her fingers in yours, both of you having forgotten about fans or paparazzi. soon enough, you'd arrived at a vegan ice cream parlour. the store was small, painted in pastel colours with a friendly aura. you waited for billie to go in and order two ice creams, already knowing what flavour you would like. when she came back, she handed you a cone with a scoop of your favourite flavour. you both sat on a nearby bench, tying the dogs to the arm of it. as you ate your ice creams, billie leaned her head on your shoulder. you both ate in peace, you licking your ice cream from a wafer cone while she ate from a bowl using a tiny pink ice cream spoon. chloe took a strawberry ice cream "mommy who are they?" she asked innocently. "They are people who want a picture of your mama or with your mama" I said giggling 

"wanna try?" billie asked you suddenly.

she nodded and sat up straight. you took your tiny pink spoon that was lodged in your almost finished ice cream and scooped a bit onto it, billie doing the same. you put it in each other's mouths at the same time, savouring the different flavours that had mixed with the taste of your own ice creams that lingered in your mouths.

as you talked and relished your time together, you failed to notice the cameras going off at any given moment, stalking your walk from behind bushes and cars.

you looked at billie, a small smile spreading on your face as you noticed a tiny bit of ice cream that had lodged itself in her dimple. you licked your thumb, bringing it up to her face and wiping it off. your hand lingered for a bit, and just as you were about to pull away, she put her hand on yours. she leaned forward, you following, before joining your lips for a soft and short kiss.

once you were both done, you threw out the trash,  the rest of your day was calm and slow, you watched some movies and made dinner together before going to bed. well, there was another activity involved that night, one that prompted a long deep sleep into the next afternoon.

billie woke up to her phone ringing loudly from the bedside table. as she stirred around, my eyes fluttered open, looking in the direction of a clock, 1:03 pm. i rubbed your eyes, turning over to billie.

"where have you guys been? i've been trying to get ahold of you for like two hours," finneas's voice came through the speaker phone.

"we were sleeping," billie said, her voice still rough from the sleep.

"have you checked twitter yet, or any form of social media for that matter?" he asked.

"no," you both answered.

"i'm gonna let you guys talk about this," he said before hanging up.

I got my phone off the bedside table and put in my passcode before clicking on the twitter icon. I looked at what was trending, the first two being billie eilish and y/n y/l/n. My eyes shot open, billie's doing the same.

next, I opened google. billie looked up your name and she looked up mine. the first thing to pop up was a bunch of recent news articles by different gossip magazines, the headlines all being different variations of y/n y/l/n and billie eilish seen out on date in los Angeles with their daughter with a header photo of the two of you kissing and chloe licking her ice cream. I quickly scrolled through an article, multiple paparazzi and fan photos shown between short texts.

"shit," Billie said, a small laugh escaping her lips.

"Billie I just wanna have a normal day without paparazzi " I mumbled ..

Billie sighed*

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