Yes!! prt-2

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The light beamed on my face as I got up I looked by my side and a sleepy cute Y/n was beside me. I tugged her hair behind her ears and gave her a kiss. "Good morning baby," I said. Y/n looked at me and blushed. I got up brushed my teeth and got ready for school. Y/n got up too and did the same. I went to the kitchen and started making pancakes in a hurry as I felt 2 hands swarming around my waist. "Baby do we have to really go??" she whined. I smiled at her and grabbed her ass pulling her towards me. I kissed her on the lips and begged her to get ready.

Y/n's pov
I woke up in Billie's bed that's all I have been thinking about. Just then I realized that Billie's the best girlfriend anyone can have. I smiled as she held the car door for me. I got in ... we were halfway to school and I looked over at her .. her bulge was growing and her jawline was gripped enough. I was heating up just by looking at her drive. My legs starting shaking. After a while of shivering, I felt a hand on my thigh. It was Billie's. "Ma you shaking" She said softly. I stopped shaking and gave her a kiss when we reached school. We got off her car and walked in school hand in hand . everyone's eyes drew upon us. "Bil I'll see you after class?" I asked "yeah babe -um I mean y/n" she blushed. I gave her a kiss on her cheek and left.

Time skip to lunch..

Billie's pov

y/n and i sat down for lunch everyone one was looking at us in disbelief. I indicated y/n to sit on my lap and she did. "Yooo zoee" i said waving towards her. she came running towards us. I kissed y/n and looked into her eyes with love until- "OMG YALL ARE DATING?!" zoe said out loud which caused a scene around y/n and me i held her hand and took her out of the crowd into the bathroom.

Y/ns pov
billie and i just got mobbed by a crowd. Billie looked so disappointed. "baby its alright " i said palming her cheeks with my hands. i gave her a kiss on the cheek and her soft lips. she pulled me in , her hands on my waist she looked in my eyes with love and said "dont worry I'll protect you" my eyes got teary and i kissed her with all my love... i tugged myself into her arms. she pulled me away and asked me "hey y/n do you wanna be my girlfriend?" i couldnt help but give her a kiss slightly pulling away i smiled and said "yes!!"

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