Finneas and the chamber of secrets -.-

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Billie's pov

um hey Chloe....

"mommy what was that" "Um nothing come let me put you to sleep let's go," Y/n said as embarrassed as I. "BILLIE PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON NOW," she said looking me dead in the eyes so I did.

Y/n's pov

"Mommy what was that long thing attached to mama" she said innocently. "um see chloe your mama is different from other you know :)" "hmm do I have that?" I laughed at her question. "Okay chloe you should sleep for a bit now uncle finneas and aunt claudia are coming over in the evening now do you want to be cranky when they come or fresh" "FRESH MOMMY" she said jumping up and down. "Okay baby now sleep.. i love you chloe" "I wuv u too mommy" I kissed her and left the room. 

"Hey cutie" "Stop it billie she saw us fucking do you know how traumatizing that's gonna be when she grows up? " I said kinda yelling and laughing. "She's gonna go to school and hear people saying "Omg I saw this celebrity or Omg I saw this singer" and chloe could always be like "Omg I saw my parents FUCKING". Billie laughed OBVIOUSLY. "Billie its not funny come on". You know a lil bit of me still wants to- "Im waking out of this room if you say you're horny again" I said smirking. "Well- mOvINg On". I went and waited for claudia and Finneas to come after some time. Billie had gone to have a bath and chloe was playing blocks. 

suddenly while I was cooking hit i smelled cologne which was very familiar cause obviously billie. She came down wearing tracks and a oversized t-shirt with a brown cap. "Damn baby someone can cook" billie wrapped her hands around my waist and kissed my neck. "Mmhmph Billie stop ittt" i smirked and faced her. "you know maybe we can-" i traced her jawline and put my finger on her lips. Just then the door rang and billie went to take it giving me a kiss on my lips. 

"Heyyy finnn and claud !!" Finneas  walked in and hugged me and billie and so did claudia. "Heyy guyss yall are right on time! food's ready" i said. 

After food...

"Mphh food was amazing Y/n " Claudia and finneas praised. "Hehe thanks" i smiled. We eventually went on to the hall and sat down. Billie and Finneas were talking about their songs and claudia and I were talking about whatever happened in the afternoon. "Soo yeah that's about it she did or might have seen billie or me.." claudia was in DEEP shock. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK GUYS" she yelled grabbing finneas's and billie's attention. "whatsup" "billie and Y/n fucked in front of chloe by mistake" she said laughing. Billie and I were obviously embarrassed. "Yoooo yall should fuck when SHE'S NOT AROUND EVER STRIKE YOU BIL?!" she looked soooo embarrassed. AND THEN FINNEAS SPOKE OUT MAKING ME CHOKE ON MY INVISIBLE WATER "Y/n how did you even take her dick I'm pretty sure it was that viagra she put in your water haha". Billie widened her eyes and looked at me ... WTF ...she smirked and looked down..

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