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Billie's pov

"Billie can we leave?!!!" I got ready to Y/n and chloe on my ass. "Momma lefss goo" Today we were supposed to go to the mall to buy for the tour my management team cleared the entire mall for our visit...

After a while....
We left chloe at a bouncy house thing with both of her bodyguards. 

Y/n and I started shopping... 

Basically.... Gucci,LV, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Chanel , Bershka , H&M , Dior

FINALLY She planned on stopping at .... V.S ...She's been wanting to go to Victoria's Secret for a while. I know damn well why she wanted to come and why she needed me here. 

"What do you think about this one Bil?" She asked.I looked at the black bra and matching underwear. They were transparent which meant I can see everything."As long as I get a sneak peek at what I am having." I answer with a smirk. After we bought Y/N's lingerie, we exit the store Y/N turned her attention to me. I place my hand on her jaw and violently kiss her.  "What are you doing?" Y/n asked as she yanked away from me."Let's go to the bathroom." I said without thinking."What for? I don't need to pee." She said.Let's. Go. To. The. Bathroom. Now." Y/n looked scared. I held her hand tight and sped walked to the public bathrooms. We went to the family bathroom I locked the door and turned to Y/n."Get on your knees." I demand."She quickly got on the ground. "Open your mouth." She did as told.I slowly slipped my finger in her mouth"Let's see how fast you can suck." I say. She closed her mouth and sucked on my finger."Harder." She sucked harder. I let my finger slide all the way down her throat. She coughed and gagged for a moment. Tears filled her eyes and her eyeliner was beginning to drip down."Good girl." I say unbuckling my belt and joggers.Y/N's eyes widen when she looks at me. "Open wide." I say.When she did, I put my hand on the back of her head as she took all of me in. My dick got harder every time she bobbed her head up and down. "Yeah, just like that babygirl."I pushed myself in her mouth, so much she gagged. "Mmm"She put her hand around my dick and went up and down while she sucked me off."Keep that up. I'm gonna cum." I say thrusting in her mouth. She tightened her grip on my dick. My dick was deep in her mouth and I came in her mouth. She swallowed and let go of me and started gagging. "No no. Get your slutty ass up now. She slowly got up with a pouty mouth."You're so beautiful princess. Turn around. Hands on the sink." I demanded. She did so. I looked at her through the mirror. I could tell she was nervous. Did I mention she was wearing a skirt and a crop top? I was wearing a bandana which I could use to my liking. I took it off. "Open up princess." I say.  stuffed the bandana in her mouth when she opened. I tied it around her head. I smirked at her while I let my finger slide up her skirt. I squeezed her ass and let my finger slide in her. She closed her eyes in pleasure. I used one hand to take off her crop top and bra. I start to kiss her neck and grabbed her tit with one hand while the other was going in and out of her. I crouch down and kiss her ass. I spread her legs apart so I could eat her good. I roughly kiss her clit and slip in my tongue. I heard her faint moans through the bandana. "You like that don't you?" I whisper."Mhm." Her muffled moans were heard. I take my fingers out and stand up straight behind her. "Bend over princess." I order. "Billie, can you ple-""That's not my name." I cut her off. "Please be gentle with me daddy." She said bending over the sink . "Oh you sweet innocent little slut. I'll be careful with you." I wrap my arms around her and slowly push in her. Y/n closed her eyes in pleasure. "Is that okay?" I ask."Mhm." She responded trying to take the bandana off."No! Keep that shit on." I demand.She stopped and placed her hands on the sides of the sink for support. I pushed in deeper again. The warm feeling of me being in her made me feel a certain way. I started to slowly go deeper and faster. I could already tell Y/n was weak.  "I know you fucking like this." I whisper in her neck. "Mhmm." She managed to say.I kissed her neck passionately. I felt so close cumming in her. Y/n threw her head back and came all over my cock. I was so close too but I held it in. I thrusted in her deeper than ever. I felt a relief as I realized I came in her. I looked down at the mess we've made. Y/n took off the bandana."Oh fuck." She said."Round 2 when we get home." I say looking at her through the mirror. 

Y/N's pov
After whatever happened in the bathroom We left Billie's bodyguards : Jaden, Brown, Haden, James were holding some 15-20 bags. "Billie.." "yeah?" "Are we forgetting something..." 

FUCK. Both of us said "CHLOE" at the same time. Billie made her Security guard call the ones who had chloe. "Guard 829 Please get Chloe eilish to the front gate . I repeat Guard 829 Please get Chloe eilish to the front gate " We sighed. After 2 mins we heard Chloe running to Billie and her guards behind chloe. "Mommaaa" she yelled laughing. "Heyy princess" "Hewooo mommy what did u buyyy meeeee". "Well chlo-" "Yeaah we did chloe " Billie said cutting me off. I don't remember buying anything for chloe cause we were busy with AHEM.... 

"Yeah we did buy you something chloe" she got her guards to give Chloe a bag full of candies and toys."MAMA THANK WOO" She said giggling. Billie took me to the side and whispered . "Calm down i made the Lady in the candy and toy counter pack some for Chlo" I giggled at what she said and we head home while putting everything in the back of her car. 

Everything was fine when....


When i heard the last one i smiled at Billie and guess WHO CAPTURED THAT MOMENT ....

We got home and You know what happened.......

Next day... 
*Opened Daily Mail*

I read that and put my phone down when suddenly....

DING* DING* DING*DING*DING*- In one minute 12087 texts 

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