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Without strength, without pride, without reason to continue standing, this is how the god of the desert felt, a god who had once been worshiped and feared by all of Egypt and the Ennead, who would have thought that he would now find himself in such a situation demeaning 

Where had that proud god of war gone?

He had fulfilled the work given to him to atone for all his sins, all those souls had found peace. Of course, he knew that the rest of the gods would not have completely forgiven him and to tell the truth he did not care, he was only interested in his son, his Anubis, because, although he will carry the same disgusting blood as Osiris, he was the one who raised him, he was the one who training, he was there for his SON.

"You are forbidden to set foot on these lands again..."

Those words were repeated in his head and it was not precisely Isis or Maat who decided it, it was Ra herself who demanded with a mocking smile. Before being expelled to the desert he asked to see Anubis one last time, he wanted his son to at least know from his mouth that he was sorry and that he would always love him, but he was denied, Nephthys tried to support him so that they granted him that last unsuccessful wish. He tried to enter the temple by force, his effort being in vain and not even Anubis dared to leave or so he thought. In the end he was thrown into the desert with nothing else.

Seth tried to stay on his feet after that humiliation, and that's how the days passed, days in which he didn't eat or drink water, thanks to the fact that he was a demigod he had managed to survive longer than an ordinary human. He didn't have to be a genius to realize that the Sun Goddess had probably done that to him as a way to force him to talk about what happened that terrible night, he wasn't stupid and he wouldn't give the Goddess that pleasure either. 

After a lot of walking, he finally felt that his legs couldn't take it anymore, exhaustion made him fall to his knees on the sand that he had once dominated and used to keep the borders of Egypt safe. He ordered himself to stand up, but his body didn't budge. He cursed internally before falling flat on the sand, he was so thirsty and so exhausted that he could barely stay awake.

"Do not close your eyes... "

He told himself over and over again, if he gave in then he would be trapped in the Duat, that would mean that he would not be able to escape the clutches of Osiris, but he also did not want to ask the goddess Ra for help knowing what that implied would already be too much humiliation for him. the. He would have preferred that they scatter his soul so he wouldn't have to meet "his brother" if he could still call him that after those horrible things he had made him do.

His eyes were heavy and he was still struggling not to give in, but before losing consciousness he saw a figure watching him in the distance, he panicked believing that it was Osiris who had come for him...

"No... No... No ... No... "

He repeated over and over in his head, it couldn't end this way, he couldn't let Osiris win. He made one last attempt to get to his feet, but finally succumbed to the darkness.

"It is not the end..."

He recognized that voice, but for some reason his mind didn't seem to process anything. For an instant he stopped feeling and the next second he felt a slight warmth surround him completely...

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I think he's still alive"

Hearing voices, he wasn't sure if they were far or near, or his mind was playing a trick on him. He tried to move, but he only managed to turn on his back and strangely he didn't feel the heat of the sand burning his back.

"You have to take him home or he will probably die"

He wanted to understand who these people were, he didn't trust them, but he was still too weak to get up. From one moment to another he felt how one of them seemed to have lifted him a little to give him a drink of water gently so that he would not drown, probably if he had been more aware he would have clung to it, he had not had water for a long time and could not explain. the joy of finally quenching your thirst.

"He's very weak, I need you to help me take him home"

Every time he seemed to be more confused by the attitude of those unknown people since they seemed to worry about his state of health, in part he felt offended because he was a god or he had been, but that did not mean that he stopped being proud about his person.

He managed to open his eyes, but he couldn't see much and was puzzled by the people who were helping him, he didn't recognize them. The one who had approached to give her a drink was a woman, but her face was painted in a strange way, it was not like the goddesses of Egypt who used makeup without exaggerating, except Hathor, her hair was as black as night and she seemed bewildered As much as the.

Many questions invaded his head, but when he tried to speak only babble came out.

"Don't force yourself, you're not fit"He turned his head in the direction of the second voice, it seemed male, this time it was more difficult for him to distinguish the other person since he was a little far from his field of vision and the sunlight did not help him much either, he could only distinguish some wings that they looked a bit familiar.



I didn't understand, what was he doing there? What did he intend to do now?

Those and thousands more questions he asked himself that his head ached for it, he hated that weak body, he couldn't do anything. The strange woman gave him another little bit of water to drink, which he thanked mentally, just for this time, but again he realized that he would lose consciousness, everything would turn dark again.

"Don't worry, you just have to stop fighting, everything will be fine"

He didn't want to, he wasn't going to give in, he wouldn't. He tried to free himself from the woman's grip, but as soon as he moved he got dizzy and ended up giving up.

"That's it, rest"

He internally prayed to wake up again and find himself in the desert or next to his family and brothers, and that everything he had lived through was a simple nightmare, although that would probably be impossible, but he still wanted it.


First of all, I hope you liked it, it's the first time I write something like this, so sorry for some misspellings.

Second, I am going to update little by little, and some data will be from my imagination and others if they would be attached to mythology or more or less.

Third I am going to put reference images of the new characters, I would like to draw them but I don't have time for it and I am not that expert in it. Obviously I will leave the name of the artist and if I can't find the name and you know them I would appreciate it if you leave them in the comments.

Fourth, if any artist does not agree with the use of any of their drawings, they can send me a message and tell me, I will remove the drawing as soon as I can.

Being all see you soon.

NOTE: The characters belong to Mojito

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