Chapter 16

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About 2 days had passed, and Seth had not seen Itzpapalotl in all that time, his sudden disappearance was strange. He did not know if he did it on purpose to avoid it or if he really had something to do with what Huehueteotl had told him, but what he did know was that he was not in Tamoanchan. Mixcoatl had confirmed it to her and advised her to give him time for her to talk to him, because the god of hunting also did not understand that she had spent time with her best friend. The good part of all that is that at least Isis and the rest were not in contact with him, but they would be present during the ceremony to witness everything and that way there would be no doubt about the legitimacy of that wedding.

Anyway, it had been a very "normal" day, now I was looking at the horizon from the top of the Templo Mayor while seriously thinking about talking to Itztlacoliuhqui to cancel everything because it seemed that the goddess had no intention of returning.

Out of nowhere he felt a very familiar sensation that made him turn around and there she was.

- I'm very sorry for the delay...

- thought you've gone

- Believe me, I thought about it for a moment. "She," she said without hesitation, she looked very relaxed, although she seemed sad. - But she couldn't do it or I would end up regretting it in the future. I had to think about it a lot, and I'm ready...

- What are you talking about?

- You'll know, I'm not going to back out of the wedding. However, you will have to come with me for something important... In advance I say I'm sorry.

She didn't give him time to ask when she had left the ground. The goddess grabbed him from her arms and took him with her through the skies to an unknown direction. At another time he would have complained, but now he himself was trying to understand what was happening.

Horus was looking for his uncle, now that practically everyone was busy there was no way they could avoid that conversation. He wanted an explanation for such a hasty decision to marry and to offer help if necessary.

She saw him in the distance and tried to call him, but then she appeared. They were very calm while they were talking, but she couldn't hear what it was about. She waited for the opportunity to get closer, which she never got because she saw them go to an unknown direction.

- UNCLE!!!!

He tried to take flight, but unfortunately his powers had been sealed by the god of war. At that moment she became frustrated because she had missed her chance to talk to Seth. He knew that the goddess would become her wife, but he did not stop him from distrusting her, after all he did not know her, he did not know if he truly loved her uncle or had other intentions.

Those thoughts made him realize that he was being selfish, he couldn't judge her and decide for his uncle, or he would be doing exactly what the gods of the Ennead had done with him and it wasn't fair...

He looked at where they had gone, frustrated, and upset, if he hadn't left his side things would probably be different and he would be the one by her side. This was not the time to feel guilt or pity for himself, it was the time to be strong and give his uncle his full support, even if his heart was hurt in the process.

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