Chapter 14

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Although things did not go as expected, he was at least satisfied that he could spend the whole day with his uncle.

Unfortunately, the god of justice had come to talk about some things that she didn't know about, but she understood everything now that they were in the same room as his mother. Anubis and Thoth had been taken to another area since this matter was only between them.

- I think I've been clear enough with you... I refuse to accept anything that comes from you...

The redhead was doing his best to remain calm in the face of his sister's claims, all this was happening under the gaze of Horus and the god of cold, who was an intermediary in that discussion.

- So you're willing to bear all those deaths? Is that what you're telling me? - I almost screamed, but at least this time he behaved a little. - Do you want to repeat the past? Well, great! As expected of a heartless god like you, you don't care about anyone, you only care about yourself. — Isis looked at him with contempt before continuing with her verbal attack. — It will not be very different from what you did when you usurped the throne of Egypt, the punishment was not enough to make you understand the consequences of your actions

- It's not my fault, I didn't ask for exile, I complied with the punishment that was imposed on me! And yet you all turned against me to throw me out of the Ennead! — He counterattacked, he wanted to scream, he needed it, but he wasn't going to agree with Isis by putting himself in the same way as her.

- What did you expect? To be welcomed as if all those years of chaos hadn't happened? As if those deaths meant nothing? I don't know what was in your head when you thought that everything would be fixed so easily and that you could go back to your life just like that.

The place became rather awkwardly silent. Horus hadn't said a word because the god of cold had frozen his mouth to keep him out of the argument.

— it seems to me that this matter is only running long enough behind schedule. the god of cold commented, turning to Isis. — Goddess of Egypt, Seth has decided and seeing the situation, it seems to me that he has the right to set his conditions if they want him to return, just as he can also refuse

- That?

-I don't care what Seth has done. As I said before, he has already paid for the damage he did and it is not for me to judge his actions caused by him in Egypt. However, leaving his home was not your doing, there is no justification for what you all decided and I have to remind you that you have no authority here. He cannot come to demand something from Seth or from us as if he were a supreme deity

-Does he have privileges?

The god of cold sighed, already a little tired by this situation, his personality was peaceful, but only a few had known his bad part, one that made him become too strict when imposing punishments on the unfortunates who ended up falling into his hands.

— Seth has earned that right and it's not something I'm going to discuss with you. — even when he was blind he realized that the goddess was holding back from lashing out at him too. If she did she would cut out his tongue for insolence.

The redhead intervened, not at all happy with his sister.

- you are behaving exactly as you said I did

— because I see that it is the only way to make you reason... You are most pathetic...

— maybe it is and... you know what?, this conversation is over

The redhead withdrew even when he saw that her sister tried to stop him, he didn't look at her. Itztlacoliuhqui stopped her along with Horus. No doubt he was being difficult to deal with, he had to think of his next move or this would lengthen the stay of Isis and the others.

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