Chapter 13

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Seth had had nightmares again...

Nephthys mocked him because she had believed that she loved him and because she had so easily made him believe that Anubis was her son.

Then Isis appeared for nothing more than to insult him and tell him that his existence had only brought misfortune to everyone.

He tried to run away from them, he didn't want to listen to them, but his voices seemed to chase him where he will try to escape. Shortly after he was surrounded by all the gods, his family, who looked at him with hatred and insulted him in the same way, some even attacked him. Seth for a strange reason could not defend himself, he felt defenseless and weak, he fled again to finally run into Horus who laughed at him for how pathetic he looked now and then claimed him for those years of pain and fear that he lived with his mother fleeing from his clutches.

He had gone into such a shock that he didn't realize when Osiris had caught him and was taking him to the Duat under the indifferent gaze of everyone who seemed happy to get rid of him.

Seth woke up suddenly and with very fast breathing, but unfortunately for him, not everything was over.

A few meters from him was the goddess Itzpapalotl in a pool of blood, her lifeless eyes seemed to be fixed on his. That damn flower in the company of roots full of thorns wrapped her body that was deformed by blood and wounds.

He was in complete shock, he only snapped out of there when he felt a presence behind her.

- Did you like my gift?

He trembled as Osiris's voice echoed through that room.

- I had to make it clear that you belong to me... Now neither she nor anyone else will come between us...

The redhead tried to get away, but the roots immediately caught him. He started to fight to get out of there, but it was all in vain, ¡he could only see how Osiris got dangerously close to him... Not again! ¡I didn't want to relive that!

Seth woke up while he gave a scream that the goddess did not take long to react. She began to talk to him so that she would calm down as she wrapped him in a comforting hug under her arms and wings.

- you're fine, you're not in Egypt, he's not here and no one is going to hurt you...

Little by little he was recovering, but his body was still trembling and without hesitation he hugged the goddess who had to hide his wings again or they would be a hindrance. Seth looked into her eyes to make sure that what she saw of her was real, her heart broke realizing that no one had cared as much about him as she did... Without a doubt, the idea of seeing her terrified him die.

- It was just a nightmare. - I continue saying the goddess. - you're fine, you're safe. I am here to take care of you...

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