Chapter 20

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Seth had met with Isis and the rest of the gods. They hadn't even allowed her to tell Itzpapalotl , who was still asleep, but it was safer for her to stay away and the less she knew, the better.

There was a lot of tension, especially in the part where Horus was sitting, of course no one around him had noticed, except Isis and Seth since the latter felt the brunette's gaze on him.

— Well, we start with this meeting. — said Maat with his scales at his side. — the first point is about the conditions that Seth gave to help Egypt, so Seth, you have the floor...

As usual, the redhead was in the center, like when he had been tried. He just sighed and proceeded.

— I have decided that this will be the last time I set foot in Egypt, I will not do anything else for you, so it is better that you look for someone to take over the title of God of War or look for allies

- As?

— What you say is not so easy. — Bastet spoke. — that takes time...

— that's not my problem either. They must have known what the consequences of the decisions they made would be.

It was a way to make them understand that if they hadn't banished him none of that would be happening, but hey, he wasn't going to discuss it anymore because he already had plans for the future. Start from scratch in Tenochtitlan next to Itzpapalotl .

—Seth, we understand that you are resentful, but it is very childish of you to do this

Hathor spoke believing she had the authority and thinking that the god of the desert would do nothing, but how wrong she was...

A laugh was heard throughout the room.

— of course, the most useless of all had to speak. — Seth looked at her in a terrifying way, he didn't care that she was the daughter of the solar deity. —I would like to see you go to the battlefield, Oh, wait! You can't, your nails and makeup would be ruined by sand and blood, that would be a big problem

Again he let out a very loud laugh. Everyone remained silent, while Hathor bit a handkerchief to contain the anger she felt at Seth's mockery.

— Seth, this matter requires seriousness. — Maat finally caught the attention of the desert god who recovered in a few minutes. —What do you plan to do once you hand over the title of God of War to someone else?

- That matters?

— we just want to guarantee the security of Egypt

Well, I didn't lose anything by saying it.

— I plan to return to the place where I found myself living the last few months. — He noticed that the goddess of justice was going to ask something else, but she went ahead. — I won't give details, I'll just tell you that no one there has any problems with me returning and they don't intend to get involved in this matter either.

— well... Let's move on to the other point...

Itzpapalotl had gotten up and exploring the room he found a bathroom where he washed himself while he thought about what was happening...

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