Chapter 11

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Seth looked at Horus with disappointment. Since the start of the fight, he had realized that his movements were clumsy when it came to stopping the macuahuitl's blows, and to be honest, even he knew that he had no advantage because he did not know how to use the weapon in his hands.

From one moment to the next, Tepoztecatl delivered an accurate blow that ended up destroying the only defense that Horus had. The young man smirked and proceeded to go mercilessly at his opponent, but Horus braced himself and using his wings rose to keep his distance as he quickly thought of a plan. Which he did not have time to do because the young demigod threw his weapon at him as if it were a spear, it grazed his shoulder a little, leaving a not so deep wound.

Now it was Horus's turn to attack. In that place he could not receive help from his relatives to win, but he had learned some tricks to be able to defend his uncle without the gods of the Ennead noticing. It was so that he chose to create a strong whirlpool that would soon throw his opponent away, and so it was. This time he couldn't make sure that he had achieved his objective because it seemed that he had gone too far with his attack causing a lot of dust to obstruct his view.

-Horus, you can!

He listened to the encouragement that his family gave him, but he was more aware of whether he had achieved what he wanted. To everyone's surprise, the whirlpool created by the young falcon was dissipated in just a few seconds by Tepoztecatl, but what surprised Horus and the rest of the Egyptian gods the most were the beautiful wings that adorned the young man's back, they had red, blue, and blue colors. and yellows.

- That? Did you think you were the only one who could fly?- The young man smiled with satisfaction because Horus seemed stunned.

-Come on son, you can do it. — encouraged the god Ehecatl with pride.

Seth together with Itzpapalotl watched the "show" without commenting. The redhead wanted to yell at the bird head every time how useless he had become, but it was none of his business, he was aware of the pride that warriors had, please, he had been a warrior and quite proud of what he had done. He did on the battlefield, he demonstrated what he was capable of doing, in this way he sowed fear in his enemies.

— Seth, you know how this will end right?

- I am aware of it

- What are you up to?

-I need you to do something before this ends. - he got close enough to whisper his plan. In the end, she looked at him credulously, but didn't comment and went to do what he had asked her to do.

Coming back to the fight again, Tepoztecatl and Horus were giving it their all to win. Not having weapons they went to hand-to-hand combat. Both were practically full of bruises and did not give up. Each had their reasons for not losing.

And out of nowhere, Tepoztecatl held Horus from behind to rise to the highest point and then descend at great speed. Horus tried to let go, but when he thought he had succeeded, the opponent had released him a few meters from touching the ground so that only he would take the impact and as expected that left the young falcon stunned, who was pierced by thousands before standing up. of sharp razors

Tepoztecatl wanted to cause him a little more damage as a form of humiliation, together with his wings to spread them only for when doing so the feathers shot out like thousands of knives that were embedded in the skin of his adversary who began to writhe in pain, but he did not He made no complaint.

— HORUS!!!!!

The blood passed to adorn the body of the young man with a dark complexion who, as soon as the rain of knives finished, tried to get up to fall again, he couldn't take it anymore. He was exhausted and too hurt to continue.

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