Chapter 7

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Tonatiuh rose through the mountains, being reborn once more to bring his light and thus prevent the monsters of darkness from disturbing the peace that had prevailed for several years.

Itzpapalotl once again had to leave. The Tamoanchan needed her. Seth, on the other hand, had begun studying the scrolls that Tepoztecatl had brought him that morning before he left with his father.

After a long reading, he decided to clear his head, so he left the Templo Mayor and walked aimlessly. Everything was calm, there were not so many wars to worry about because everyone trusted their god, Huitzilopochtli.


- Hello Seth!

His walk was interrupted by two twin gods who were looking at him excitedly.

— who would say that you look so radiant even after just getting up. — commented Xochiquetzal, the goddess of love. I envy you right now

- I think you're bothering him, sister. — This time the god Xochipilli, prince of flowers, intervened. - We apologize for being so daring, my sister loves your masculine beauty, you stand out from any other man. I even think you could be one of my priests

I don't have time for any of that. - he said in an attempt to get away from that pair, he already knew them and knew that these two were almost always unpredictable in many of the things they did.

- ¡Oh, come on! Do not continue to believe everything they tell you about us, we are entirely trustworthy. the goddess commented as if she had read his thoughts. - come with us you will have a great time

-I have things to do...

- Let's go. It will only be for a while... — Xochipilli said, supporting her sister. We just want to hang out with you...

Isis was frustrated that many of the gods had refused to go with her using the excuse that they had many matters to attend to. She wasn't stupid, she knew it had been a silly pretext. He only had Anubis, Horus, Thoth, Maat, Nephthys and, strangely, Hathor, although he did not think that the latter's accompaniment would be convenient because he did not know what Seth would be capable of if he found himself cornered and he did not want to run the risk of Ra getting caught. angry if something happened to his beloved daughter.

Although at the last moment Nephthys and Maat decided not to go, they had to make sure that everything in Egypt ran smoothly in their absence, but she hoped that this whole thing wouldn't take so long.

— «Seth, I hope you don't cause any trouble with your stupidity». thought the goddess of magic.

-Mother, is everything alright? - Horus questioned after entering her office and seeing her so thoughtful.

-Horus, what are you doing here? I thought you would be with Hathor. - she said, remembering that the goddess of love had planned to eat with her son.

For his part, he remained silent, he had had to lie to Hathor so as not to have to be alone with her. He was aware that this was not at all chivalrous, but he did not want to listen to the plans that the goddess seemed to have already thought of for a future together, something that would not be possible for him.

— I had business to finish and... I wanted to know if you needed help...

Isis was a bit stressed with all the issues on her mind. Luckily Geb, god of the earth, had made the monsters on the borders back off, that would buy them a little more time, but they had to act soon.

- everything is fine. — lied. — we just have to use the right words and Seth will agree to come back. — It seemed that even she was trying to convince herself of her own words, but the truth is that she didn't even believe it herself. Seth was too stubborn to accept anything coming from her.

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