Chapter 8

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Isis looked down on Seth, but she didn't deny that she had been worried about him, perhaps it was due to all those memories that still prevailed of them when everything was fine.

He mentally denied again, there was no time for sentimentality, he had to act now.

- Seth...

She tried to say something, but was interrupted.

— What the hell are they doing here? — asked the god of the desert angrily. He wasn't happy to see them at all, at least not so soon.

— I'm afraid I can't answer your question. - Isis answered, while a Thoth at her side tensed due to her indifference to the redhead. — just know that we are here to take you back to Egypt

— Why should I go back? I don't know suppose I was exiled? I don't have to go back to a place where I no longer belong...

Isis sighed, she had already seen her brother's opposition coming, although that didn't mean that his rebelliousness bothered her.

- there is no time to realize, for once in your life obey!

— Isis... I-I don't think that's the way to do things...

Thoth was a little nervous about how everything was happening, he knew that Isis could have little patience and Seth had always found a way to irritate his older sister. He begged the god of Wisdom so that he would not resort to using force.

Anubis and Horus kept quiet for the moment in order to give Isis the opportunity to talk to Seth, which was not going well at all, everything indicated that they would have to use force.

Horus could not cope with the emotion of finally seeing his beloved uncle again, a weight had finally been lifted off his shoulders... He seemed to be fine, except for the strange clothes and the haircut seemed to be safe and sound. She had had to fight the urge to run to hug him because she didn't know if it was time and she didn't want him to see it as a threat either.

On the other hand, Anubis was also happy because his father was alive although he still held a certain resentment for what he had done. Maybe he couldn't forgive him, not yet, but if he agreed to come back and show them with actions that he would change, he would be willing to give him a chance to be a family again.

- Dammit! I'm telling you that you can go back to Egypt! everyone agrees

- In exchange for? How much will it cost me to return? — I knew that everything had a price, I wouldn't be surprised if Isis put conditions on it.

— that will be discussed once we're home, but don't make things more complicated

— I already said that I have no intention of coming back! That's not my home anymore!

—Dad, please... — This time Anubis tried to intervene, but he couldn't say anything else since things didn't seem to be going well.

— don't make me laugh I don't think you want to stay in an unknown place and alone. Isis commented almost mockingly.

Seth looked frivolously at the goddess of magic, since that night she was looking for some way to hurt him, but no more. I was not going to allow it.

She began to back away in a hidden way, her sister being angry did not pay attention to what was happening around her. For her part, she kept saying a few things to which I did not pay attention, she just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible and take refuge somewhere and then think of a new plan.

—...Okay, we'll do this the hard way!

Isis, using her magic, made chains appear that contained a special spell that made them almost impossible to break. Fortunately, Seth was able to avoid being caught and, forgetting his initial plan, he began to run in an unknown direction.

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