Chapter 18

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- it's done, both have the marks. - Coatlicue had just checked the newlyweds to make sure the marks had appeared.

Once the couples had consummated their marriage, these marks appeared, it was a way that connected them in such a way that one of the two could sense when the other was in danger, in addition to other benefits.

Seth had acquired the mark of a black butterfly, at the level of the back, by the cervical vertebrae, while Itzpapalotl had a Khopesh under her left breast, it was quite clear who her husband was.

- It saddens me that they have to leave so soon, but it comforts me to know that my two children will return. -The goddess hugged both. - be careful and if you need something you know what to do

- we appreciate it very much, Tonantzin

They both said to bow. The goddess hugged them one last time so that they could both join Isis and the others who were already waiting for them outside the temple.

- Be careful sister. - The god of cold stopped his sister to say goodbye, he seemed calm, but he was somewhat anxious about having his sister away for so long. - be very careful and don't cause problems

The goddess looked at him offended, but she did not contradict him because sometimes she was easily carried away by anger, and she knew everything that Seth had been through, she was not sure she could look at all those gods in the face without wanting to say so many things.

Itztlacoliuhqui He took her out of her thoughts by handing her a scroll.

- This affirms before everyone that you are Seth's legitimate wife, you will be safe. - he said to give her a last hug.

- thank you very much brother

Something strange was that Itztlacoliuhqui could see his sister perfectly, with the others he only saw them as shadows. It was something strange, no one could find a reasonable explanation, not even Quetzalcoatl, but the god of cold had the idea that this was due to the great love that both had for each other, after all they were once human, they understood and appreciated that bond of love. brotherhood that united them.

After saying goodbye, Itzpapalotl met with Seth and the rest. They were ready to return. They were both nervous because they didn't know what they would face on the other side, but they knew they had each other.

Thoth did his part. Open the portal to return.

Hathor seemed to be going crazy from not having news of Horus, and she was not the only one. Several were beginning to believe that they would not return.

-they should have returned by now. - Nut said distressed.

- be calm, dear. They will be back soon. - Geb hugged his wife to give her comfort.

And as if they had predicted it, they felt a change in the atmosphere, they were not the only ones. Everyone or at least those who were around gathered and as they already suspected, one by one of the gods who had gone to look for Seth were present.

- Isis!

They were so relieved to see them safe and sound, but their faces changed completely when behind them they visualized the red-haired god who was watching them indifferently.

-Gather everyone, I have to give an important notice. - Isis said suddenly, something that left more than one person confused, but immediately everyone went to the room, where they had tried Seth.

Anubis and Thoth came forward, partly because they wanted to see Nephthys and Maat and partly because the god of death refused to look his father in the face.

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