Chapter 22

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Itzpapalotl had fallen a sleep, but a nightmare made her wake up al most midnight. In that dream she could hear someone calling her desperately, but she couldn't find him among so much darkness.

- Seth?

He forgot about his nightmare for a moment when he realized that the redhead had not returned. At another time it would have been normal, but not now, especially in that hostile territory where everyone until now He considered all his enemies. Furthermore, his mark kept burning as if a fire was burning him. A bad feeling had formed in his chest. Maybe that dream had a meaning?

In any case, she couldn't ramble any further because chaos took over the hallways and of course, guided by curiosity, she went out to see what it was about.

- Call the goddess Isis! Hurry up!

- The god Seth is wounded!

That last one left her completely speechless. It was when the god of the desert soon appeared in his field of vision, being "helped" by some humans to stay upright.

- SETH!!!

He went to her side as soon as his legs reacted.

- What happened!? Who did this to you!?

He was not aware that his voice had sounded very creepy and that his hair had risen because of the power and fury he gave off.

- W-we... We don't know

- He... He came back like this...

She practically took him away from those humans and quickly took him to the room.There he laid him down on the bed and began to examine him.

- Seth... Talk to me, please. Tell me what happened. - with anguish in his voice as he checked for traces of wounds because he was bathed in blood, but he did not know for sure if it was his or someone else's.


- That?

- Osiris...

He clenched his fists tightly.

- resist, don't give in... Please...

- UNCLE!!!!

Horus entered the room as soon as he learned of the state in which the redhead had returned, but he could not get too close to the bed because the goddess had adopted a gloomy form and only had him behind her back. His hair had risen, its movement being similar to that of snakes, his eyes lost all traces of pupils, completely dark, his teeth were now adorned by sharp fangs that he showed accompanied by a spectral scream, his skin was beginning to turn pale. It was for a second, but Horus swore he saw a skeletal face


Once again that spectral voice filled the room, causing chills to those who were unlucky enough to hear it, resulting in certain discomforts. Horus was no exception.


With out seeing him coming, the goddess pushed him with such force that she took him out of the room. The door, due to the draft caused, was closed forcefully.

Osiris was in the Duat slowly healing the wounds that the redhead had somehow managed to cause him.

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