Chapter 15

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Nobody, absolutely nobody believed what they were hearing.

— but my son, what made you change your mind? I thought you were cool with us

— I do it for the people, they don't deserve to pay for the mistakes of the gods. However, I would like to put certain conditions... - I look at Isis thus implying that things were not going to be as easy for them as I thought.

- of course. The god of cold stepped forward. - Speak and it will be granted to you...

— I want to have the opportunity to return once I finish with the threats in Egypt... — he was sure that they would not refuse after all, the mother goddess was fond of him and he did not want to stay in Egypt any longer than necessary. — My second request is that, once I return, I want to be part of you. I will give up my title of god of the desert to be a god in this world

At this statement the goddess Coatlicue gave a cry of joy, clearly that news made her more than happy, although for Anubis and Horus that was like a blow to the face. They were not prepared for this news, they had the slightest hope of recovering the one they loved so much, in their own way.

— of course, son. I will be more than happy that you become one of us. After all you are more than deserving of that position

Seth did something that he had never done in the presence of his own and that was to kneel before the mother goddess.

— I thank you very much, Tonantzin. - He raised his head and now gave way to his last request. — my third and last condition is that I want the company of a Mexica god during my stay in Egypt to ensure my return

I totally refuse

They all looked at Isis, whose face was contorted with rage.

— I can accept the first two conditions, but I refuse to allow you to take one of them. I am not going to give another reason for everyone to feel insecure with the presence of a god who knows what intentions he has

Now everyone was debating about that strange condition, it seemed that everyone was against it.

— you could, but for that there must be strong reasons. The goddess of magic smiled internally as if she was about to put Seth against a rock and a hard place. — for a possible alliance that is not the case, or a marriage...

Seth didn't flinch at any time.

I know, I know the laws. However, it is also a topic that I want to deal with and that is why I quoted them all here

It didn't take long for the goddess and lady of sorcery to enter, who did not hesitate to go to the redhead's side.

— I want to be granted the hand of Itzpapalotl in marriage

Everyone cried out in surprise, except Huitzilopochtli and Tezcatlipoca, although surprise was evident in their eyes.

"Seth, this has to be a terrible joke..." Isis said suddenly without getting out of her shock.

- it is not a joke. —He responded firmly, and took the goddess's hand to intertwine it with his own. — We want to unite our lives, it is something we have decided

— I would hate to have to leave Seth, after telling him that I love him and that he loves me. — The goddess lovingly hugged Seth, it was a very beautiful scene for the mother goddess to see, but not for Anubis and Horus.

The latter felt that something inside him began to boil, as if it were fire. He wanted to say something, but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth.

-That's wonderful news! I'm glad two of my children are engaged.

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