Chapter 21

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It had been about three weeks since they had arrived in Egypt. In that period of time some incidents occurred, nothing that they couldn't solve, of course they knew who the culprit was, but now strangely everything was calm or at least that's what they thought...

- How is it that a whole army of beasts is heading to the border and they didn't realize it before?!

Seth slammed the meeting room table hard. He was at the end of his patience, he couldn't believe they were so useless to not have noticed a threat of that magnitude.

- our informants did not see anything strange in recent days. - said Maat reading the papyrus with the latest news that had been sent to him.

- Are you telling me they appeared out of nowhere? Oh really? What a stupid thing!

- Believe it or not, but we cannot allow them to reach the nearby towns, they will end up murdering many innocent people. - Isis was the same or worse than him with the news.

- I know, you don't have to say it. - he responded with annoyance. - I will leave immediately, what useless informants

- We trust that you will do a good job. - Maat intervened before a new discussion began between the brothers. - if you need support we can gather some warriors to...

- no, I will do this my way

He said to retreat because there was no time to waste.
As he headed out, Horus caught up with him. Just the one I least wanted to see.

- Uncle, I'll accompany you. I will help you...

- Don't even think about it. I work alone

- But is dangerous

- Did I ask your opinion?

Since the day of the incident with Itzpapalotl he had been avoiding the dark-skinned young man. I didn't even understand why I was running away from him, what was I afraid of? And to begin with, why the hell should I be afraid of him?!

- If you want to be of some use then fulfill your duties as it should be, and by the way inform Itzpapalotl about my absence and do not insist anymore because I am not going to change my mind

That Horus had feelings for him was not a secret to Seth since he himself had declared himself to him when he sought to atone for his sins and save Anubis from the curse. Which is why he always looked for a way to remind the brunette about the fact that he was already with someone else.

- understood...

To his surprise he didn't put up much resistance and thanked him silently because he didn't want to continue arguing with him. That's how it started...

Itzpapalotl walked very excitedly through the garden in the temple, it was larger than she expected. With the climate of that region he thought that there would not be so much vegetation, but he was wrong. She went to that place because it reminded her of Tamoancha and she learned to go when the goddess of love was not there or she would ruin her face if she indirectly told her that she was ugly again.

«Should I take out his eye? Or should I cut his hair, I think a change would be bad for him since he insists on me so much..."

That thought had crossed his mind the second time he met Hathor, but leaving that aside, right now he was playing with some flowers or rather studying them to see if they could be used as medicine or for other types of things.

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