Chapter 12

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Seth had a few scratches on his face after having pushed Isis away so that the humans could take charge of healing Horus. Right now he was already better, but with the wounds still burning and under his mask, which had returned to him, he tried to hide the shame he was going through at that moment for the rudeness of his mother towards the gods and towards his uncle, he was very sorry that his uncle had withdrawn so as not to bother him with his presence.

Seth and Itzpapalotl were outside the chambers that had been granted to the "guests", the rest had withdrawn, some humans, all warriors under the protection of Huitzilopochtli, were making rounds in the temple, making sure that the peace of that enclosure was not disturbed.

- He will be better, but he needs to rest for a few days. - commented a woman who just checked Horus' wounds.

- A few days? Why so long?

Anubis asked, somewhat puzzled. As gods they were supposed to have the ability to heal fast. Until he realized that Horus was still a demigod.

- Since they refuse to accept the help of my gods I can do nothing more to heal their wounds. - she commented being somewhat direct, but respectful. - Please don't let him stand up and don't move him too much, I will come back later to make sure he is healing as he should and to change the bandage.

The woman left taking with her cloths and plants that she used to heal Horus, and to give space to Isis to take care of her son.

Once the woman left she ran into Itzpapalotl and almost dropped everything to kneel in the presence of her goddess, the protector of her people.

- My goddess, I am honored to see you tonight.

The obsidian butterfly smiled at this show of affection and respect.

- Rise, my daughter. My daughters and sons have no reason to lower their heads in my presence.

At that request the woman rose and looked at the goddess with joy.

- It is just as my people have spoken of you, just the opposite of what the impure men and women have said, those who fear your power and your will.

The goddess kept silent for a moment and then trying to change the subject, she asked about the state of health of Seth's nephew.

- He will be fine, but it would be better that you take care of him, my lady. - I explain. - The wounds are deep, the young Tepoztecatl had intentions of killing him by bleeding him to death like that, unfortunately I can't do anything more for him, he is young and strong, but his healing process will be slow. Instead, with you and your magical abilities I could heal him.

- unfortunately my help has not been requested, I cannot go against the will of the 4 directions. I leave everything in your hands, my daughter. You can go on your way, the night will be long for all of us.

- I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me, I will not fail you.

After that conversation the woman continued on her way.

Seth who had been a spectator did not have to ask because it was clear that she was a follower of Itzpapalotl, only they were not afraid of her, they adored her to the fullest.

- Shall we go now? Don't worry about them, they won't do anything without us knowing about it first...

The god of the desert did not have to think about it much, it was enough for him to give a settlement for both of them to leave without telling anyone, but not to the usual room. Since he would not be comfortable with his relatives nearby, he chose to go to a small house in the jungle. This was owned by the goddess Itzpapalotl, it was modest, but it was not that he cared about luxuries, he just wanted to be in peace.

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