Chapter 1

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About 3 months had passed in which Seth had arrived in a strange empire, he didn't understand why he was there or how he had arrived, but for now he could be calm.

- you seem happier than usual

The redhead watched from the top of a temple as the humans seemed to celebrate another victory for their empire, some warriors entered the city being well received by a huge crowd that acclaimed them. Among them I visualize a young man of apparently 20 years who was in the front with three of the most important and recognized captains.

- Why is he still among the humans? - I ask somewhat puzzled.

- He has decided so for the time being. He answered standing next to her. - he has to prove that he is worthy of being among us

I look at the young man, who, for a group of bloodthirsty warriors seemed to be very kind to any children who came to admire him. Seth had to admit that when he had the chance to talk to the young man he didn't think he was cut out to be a warrior. However, his way of fighting, hunting, his strategies, etc, left him impressed, he had tried to train a few warriors to be the deadliest in all of Egypt, but not all of them reached the level he expected and so did the others. The gods did not see well their way of treating humans.

- Huitzilopochtli must be more than pleased with this victory. - Said the female voice next to him. - surely the city will make a big celebration in his honor

For Seth, seeing that in that territory a god of war was a very important figure was a hard blow since he in Egypt was always seen as someone who only brought misfortune, he had his followers, but it was not the same as his brothers who were the dearest gods. On the other hand, in this new world even Huitzilopochtli, as the god of war was called, not only had that title but also ruled with 3 other brothers, but he stood out from all of them for being the most powerful.

- Do you want to go say hello to Tepoztecatl? I think he's anxious to tell you how it went

He took another look at the young man who seemed to have realized that they were watching him and greeted them with that smile on his face that irritated him.

- I'm not in the mood, woman. - he said reluctantly.

- My name is Itzpapalotl, remember that. - now she was annoyed by his arrogance.

He ignored her and went back inside the Templo Mayor. He had been living with that moth woman, as he sometimes called her, for a long time. Itzpapalotl was the first person she saw after waking up in that world, he was so weak that he couldn't stand up and she took care of him until he was fully recovered. He met the rest of the gods who were very suspicious of him because he was a stranger in those lands and as expected they had to protect their people, it was difficult to gain everyone's trust, but he did it, he had no intention of messing with anyone and in Since they did not know how to return him to his home, he had to stay indefinitely and he did not have the desire and courage to return to Egypt, he had nothing to do there if he had been exiled and they practically did not need him. He was starting a new life in that place called Tenochtitlan and slowly learning the customs with the help of Itzpapalotl and other gods.

- cheer up, today there will be a celebration and surely you can have fun as much as you want

- Don't you get tired of following me everywhere? - He asked a little annoyed, letting himself fall on a pile of skins that resembled a bed.

- no, do you have a problem with that?

- you are annoying

- I must take care that you do not commit any imprudence

That bothered him a bit.

- I already told you that I will not do anything, I do not have enough power to mess with someone

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