Chapter 9

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Isis and the others had been tied up, and forced to kneel in front of four thrones where rested four deities that it was not difficult to assume were the ones in charge there. They all had serious looks as if they were analyzing what they should do with them.

Other gods had come little by little to that room where a few murmured about how strange they were because it was something new for them. They had already made alliances with other gods, but none were as different as they were.

Anubis had wanted to try to free himself, but Isis stopped him, it wouldn't be good to do it with so many gods around him who outnumbered them. In addition, that he was completely unaware of these.

Finally after a long silence one of the main gods spoke. Everyone fell silent without needing to wait for an order.

- Who are you? And how dare they step on our soil? - Quetzalcoatl questioned with a neutral language to which Tezcatlipoca frowned, but said nothing.

None responded because not even they had a clear answer and because each one feared for the rest.

- They have asked you a question, answer it once and for all. - Now it was Tezcatlipoca who spoke, he did not allow them to be ignored as if they were anything. A very proud god indeed.

- We didn't know that this territory belonged to you... - Isis began to say, her brow furrowed slightly because it seemed like she was talking to Seth.

- What intentions did they have then? - Now spoke Xipe, the flayed god, he seemed the calmest of the rest. However, he could become a wicked god if they messed with what he loved most. - if they are here it must be for something

- We are here for a person... His name is Seth - Thoth responded with a broken voice. - He's been missing for months... Y-and we're here for him...

The gods looked at each other as if thinking what they should do.

- Itztlacoliuqui be present! - Tezcatlipoca sentenced.

The room turned cold when a blizzard accompanied by snow appeared out of nowhere and when it dispersed the god of justice was there.

- They have called me, my lords... What can I do for you?

- these trespassers need to be judged. Determine if what they have said is true, otherwise dictate a punishment for them. - Xipe ordered.

Itztlacoliuqui had been turning his back on Isis and the rest, so it was a mere surprise for them to realize that the god was blind, how could a god have been born with such difficulty?

The god of cold focused on doing what his superiors ordered. He held Isis, who tried to refuse, but could not do anything because the god knew how to hold her, added to the great difference in strength between them. Horus also wanted to protest fearing for his mother, but a gesture from Thoth was enough to continue in his place, he should not complicate things more than Horus knew or they could hurt his mother.

Isis was put in front and the next thing Itztlacoliuqui did left her companions petrified.

- Mother!

- Isis!

They screamed in horror when the god's hand had pierced the chest of the goddess of magic. They tried to help her, but some gods kept them where they were. On the other hand, Isis was still in shock, she believed that she was going to die in that place and in that way; he looked down where the hand seemed to have pierced and strangely he did not see blood, but an unbearable cold settled in the chest area, it hurt a lot.

- The frost will spread through your heart causing pain so intense that it could kill you. - The god began to explain to gradually withdraw his hand. - you can avoid that pain if you speak the truth, otherwise I'm afraid you will suffer the consequences

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