Chapter 2

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Seth was not happy with Itzpapalotl, just a moment ago he had dressed him with jewelry and colorful fabrics that were not to his liking at all.

- You don't look so bad. - I comment admiring him from head to toe.

The former god of war was not happy about how everything had ended, so taking advantage of the fact that the goddess was absent, apparently due to personal matters, he got rid of the thousand things that she had put on him. In what she had been living there she had gotten used to the way of dressing, but painting and piercings were not her thing, she had agreed to wear some common jewelry, but only that.

- Need help?

Seth froze as a god wearing an Anubis-like headdress entered the room.

- Itzpapalotl did not do such a good job. - Xolotl commented approaching to start removing a few unnecessary things without asking permission.

He helped him by arranging his tilmatli knotted sideways over one shoulder and passed under the armpit of the other arm. Meanwhile Seth let the god of death do what he wanted, to tell the truth, being close to that god made him feel that Anubis was by his side, but he was aware that he was not his son. When he met Xolotl he had many emotions that prevented him from starting a conversation with the canine god, he felt that he would break at any moment. She could only talk to him when her face was uncovered.

- It is done. - He warned feeling satisfied with the result.

He abandoned his thoughts and realized that now he didn't have the annoying paint on his face and the jewelry was less than what Itzpapalotl had put on him, the earrings were still, in his opinion, too big, the necklace was passable, it was made of gold accompanied by a figure that he could distinguish as the representation of the sun, he also noticed that Xolotl had combed it with a braid that rested on his left shoulder; at least that way people wouldn't try to touch him, in fact, it was strange that they found his hair fascinating when in Egypt it was the opposite, he understood everything when he met Xantico.

After his "makeover" Xolotl and he talked a little about the things he could and could not do, obviously on the recommendation of the main gods since he was just new to almost everything, Itzpapalotl taught him little by little about their customs and one of the things he couldn't do was get drunk, unless the main gods gave permission for Mayahuel to give them a little of that joy that humans needed.

- Do you have everything clear?

- Yes, I understood everything. - He said a little irritated by the constant warnings that they made him and it was unnecessary since they had placed a kind of bracelets that prevented him from using the little power he still had.

- great, Itzpapalotl will be back soon, but you can join unaccompanied

He nodded being his way of thanking, a thank you never came out of his mouth and his hosts never demanded it, except for Tezcatlipoca who was the most arrogant of all, he hated that Itzpapalotl will come to compare him with him.

Until recently Isis was calm, she thought that with Seth away things would be better for her... she had no idea how wrong she was. Thoth reported sightings of beasts near the borders that they had not yet crossed, perhaps they feared that the god of war was close, but she was not stupid, she knew that it was a matter of time before they realized that Seth was not there and that would mean a danger to humans and to them.

They could face them, although nothing assured him that later they would be safe there could be more or something much worse and he hated to admit it, but nobody had more knowledge in war than Seth himself. Right now he had realized that he had neglected Horus in that aspect since he did not know enough about combat and although his grandfather Geb and other gods had taught him the basics, he feared that it would not be enough. He beat Seth in the challenges because he received help from others, although he did not regret it because thanks to that Egypt returned to what it had been before.

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