Chapter 6

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Seth after that walk felt better to show his good humor. Talking to Tepoztecatl without having to pretend only made her feel free after many years of holding back. Everything seemed to be going well...

- How are you? Everything's fine?

Seth stopped short when out of nowhere Itzpapalotl appeared in front of him. How the hell did I not hear her coming?

- you had me worried. - She said hugging him without caring that he was angry with her.

- you should worry about not killing me. - He said with obvious anger, but allowing the goddess to hug him.

- I scared you? Did the fearsome god of the desert get scared? - Asked somewhat amused and giving him his space.

Seth rolled his eyes in annoyance.

- but you haven't answered my question, is everything alright? Did Huitzilopochtli do something to you?

Even though he wasn't used to telling anything about what was happening to him, this time he felt that he could speak without his pride being involved. Calmly she told him everything that had happened, saying that Itzpapalotl was surprised was not enough, but that deep down made her calm down a little more.

- That's... I don't know... I'm happy for you, you could become one of us. - I look at him from head to toe with emotion and at the same time analyzing him. - He asked me what kind of god you could become, god of war cannot be, Huitzilopochtli takes care of that

- whatever it is, it doesn't matter

- So, ¿you wouldn't mind being a god of flowers like Xochipilli? What about snails like Tecciztecatl was?

He laughed again when he saw Seth's indignant face, although he thought that the god of medicine would not be bad for him.

- I'm just playing, I think you would have a good title and to forget all this today you will come with me to a party. My followers are meeting today and you're coming with me, he didn't take no for an answer

Seth shook his head as he smiled, which again left the goddess speechless because it was the first time she had seen him smile like that. She was very happy that he was beginning to open up to others, she couldn't say that he had completely changed because he still had a long way to go to reach that goal, but she would try to help him to achieve it.

Osiris had received a visit from his "nephew", Anubis. As expected, the young man did not hesitate to tell what he had already seen and heard, but he needed more information that only the black-haired man could have obtained by talking to Isis or Nephthys.

- Do you plan to go too? - he asked while hiding his true intentions under a peaceful look.

- Isis believes that I can convince my father to return without resorting to force, I'm honestly glad he's okay, but I don't know if I can still see him face to face, it's been a long time and I don't know if I can forgive him

- I understand how you feel, but you must do it sometimes you have to make sacrifices to see for the good of others...

Anubis spent a long time thinking about whether he should try to talk to his father again so that the peace of Egypt would not be endangered by the new threats.

On the other hand, Osiris, although he seemed to be understanding, was anxious, because he was not stupid, he knew that Anubis was the key to bring back his most beautiful flower, one way or another he would convince him, he could not miss that opportunity, not now that they had finally found Seth. He was very relieved to know that his beloved was still alive in a strange place, everything indicated that he was alone, since Isis had not seen anything out of the ordinary so that was another point in his favor because Seth would want to return, whether it was for Anubis or because he didn't live in complete solitude, he knew him well enough to know that the redhead was always looking for the attention of others, whether it was causing violence, but in the end he got that attention that he craved so much.

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