Chapter 17

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Seth right now didn't know what to say about it. Did that mean that she had or had a son that he didn't know yet? Was that what it was about?

- yes, you must be surprised... I was too when I found out. -he explained.

- the little one is being claimed by the lord of Mictlán. - said one of the old women and midwives of the town.

- There must be something that can be done! The gods can't take him away from me too! Please know that you can do something!!!

- I'm sorry, but there is nothing that can be done against the will of the gods... - the woman's face showed seriousness along with a hint of pain for what would be the fate of that unborn child.

How could it be that life had been so hard on Itzpapalotl? Seth couldn't believe what he was hearing...

- I chose to give my life for him... - I continue counting. - That same night performs a small ritual with the help of the midwife and other women. My life for my son's, that was the deal I made with the Lord of Mictlán. - I looked him in the eyes and spoke. -I know you will understand me, a father is capable of anything for his children. You sacrificed a lot for your son...

Seth looked down.

- I did everything wrong, I behaved horrible with Anubis when I should have been stronger, I should have protected him, and I only made him suffer

Itzpapalotl placed his hand on his shoulder giving her support while he smiled at her. He understood how he felt.

Iztli touched her small two-month-old belly while singing a beautiful lullaby.

He had talked to his brother and although he was upset by what he did, he agreed to take care of his nephew. He would give her all the love she couldn't give him, and he would let the little boy know what a loving and brave mother he had been.

- I want you to grow up happy and very strong. -He gave soft caresses to her belly. - although I will hate not to be part of your life, but I know I am doing the right thing. Also, I can go safely because you will have your uncle who will not leave you alone, do not cause him a lot of problems, sometimes he is a little grumpy.

- Don't talk about me like that as if I wasn't listening. - said Ollin who had been preparing food for a while in the other room.

-I make sure he is a good boy and doesn't cause you problems

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