Chapter 10

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When Seth was about to speak, the room was interrupted by the goddess of the earth who was accompanied by the god Chalchiuhtotolin, the messenger god of Tezcatlipoca and god of diseases, who had informed the goddess at the request of Itzpapalotl. The young god was aware of the esteem that the mother goddess felt for Seth, it was not a secret to the gods.

- I see that we do not stop having certain surprises, too bad that I am not informed of any of this. - he complained looking at all his children.

The four main deities rose from their thrones, out of respect for the goddess, which caused a little laughter from her. I look closely at the Egyptian gods.

- Very well, thanks to the fact that I have been informed about this matter, I am obliged to speak. - Now he turned to the Egyptian gods. - Seth, it's my son now. You don't have to leave if he doesn't want to, so I'm so sorry your trip was in vain, but he doesn't move from here.

Such a statement left Seth's "family" speechless.

- that can't be...

Anubis looked at his father looking for an explanation to which the redhead averted his gaze.

- This must be a joke...

- Seth is not the person they think he is! It's a murderer!

Coatlicue frowned at that statement.

- explain that to me

Seth began to feel panic take over his body. He was sure that after that they would have no compassion for him.

- Murdering many women and children! Bloodbath all Egypt!

To everyone's surprise, the mother goddess let out a laugh that echoed throughout the place as if what she had been told was a joke.

- You make a fuss about nothing. - she said after stopping laughing to get serious. - Deaths of that kind happen sooner or later and if that is our will. We are gods after all and to be frank many of my children, including me, have stained our hands with the blood of innocents, it is not very different from us, only in that way have we achieved a lot and we are what we are now. - He came dangerously close to Isis and said to her. - but for your peace of mind I will take into account your words, my children judged you now it's my turn

He declared without anyone saying otherwise as he took a seat on the throne of his second son, Tezcatlipoca.

- I just want to know one thing, Seth received a punishment?

- That makes no sense to this. - said the goddess of magic

- Just answer what I asked you or you will die before you can do something to save yourself or your loved ones...

It seems that with that Isis finally understood her situation.

- yes, Seth was tried and given a punishment to compensate for the damage he caused.

- And he fulfilled that punishment?

- Yes, but...

- Alright, then Seth doesn't have to be judged by us if he already paid for what he did. - I look at the god of the cold who was in his typical serene pose listening to everything. - Itztlacoliuqui, am I right?

The god calmly took the floor again.

- indeed, Tonantzin. A god can only be judged by his own as long as the fault has been committed within his territories otherwise the affected party is the one who will take action on the matter. Seth complied according to the laws of his own and paid the damage he caused, so he cannot be tried again in our territories if he has not done anything that would make him worthy of punishment.

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