Chapter 5

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Seth was still puzzled by the deal the goddess had offered him. To be honest, he expected that they would force him to do something against his will, he didn't understand why she seemed so interested in him or what she was looking for in return, but he would end up finding out, he just had to be patient.

Once they had finished, he went to do his homework, he met Centeotl (god of corn) who was already with the humans, finishing loading everything to go with Yacatecutli (god of commerce) to the nearest town to carry out their exchanges.

Since he no longer had anything to do there, he chose to go explore the surroundings. It was strange having to go alone since Itzpapalotl was practically always by his side, the goddess, at least it made the silence more comfortable.

Isis still did not give up.

Horus, Nephthys, Anubis and Osiris, although the latter was not present, were somewhat impatient to hear news of the redhead.

Ra and Hathor seemed a bit amused watching everything, except that sometimes the goddess of love would rather discuss other matters with her mother.

The rest of them just watched Isis and hoped she would report something useful to them.

The goddess of magic was about to faint again, but her body tensed, her eyes, which for that moment were shining from the use of her power, widened in surprise.

- I found it....

He declared, causing more than one to look at him hopefully. A few, among them Horus and Nephthys, came closer, waiting for him to provide more information.

- great. - said the sun goddess with a satisfied smile. - I knew he was still alive... Where is that little elusive?

Isis didn't answer, she just stared at her younger brother for a moment, he seemed to be fine judging by his good physical condition, his strange way of dressing made her frown, besides she was completely unaware of where she was. Given that everyone was paying attention to Isis, Ra took the opportunity to get closer and see through her, he laughed when he saw Seth go so calmly through that place.

-He really did find a good place to hide, but he can't run away that easily. he declared, before snapping his fingers and a portal opened. - I already have the coordinates of the place, it won't be difficult for you to go for Seth, but unfortunately I don't have anything to do here at the moment, so I'll leave everything in the hands of Thoth. - he said before transmitting the knowledge to the messenger god who did not have time to say anything, not even to protest. More, however, the portal closed once everything was transmitted to the messenger god. - Now they depend on Thoth and all of you, good luck. - He said to retire in the blink of an eye.

Now there was only one problem... deciding who would go for Seth, although of course Thoth and Isis definitely had to go, but there were still more gods to go in case Seth refused or became violent, it would be a difficult job since many feared him so they would end up refusing.

Itzpapalotl had a strange premonition which made her stop paying attention to the great tree of life.

- What happen? - Questioned Mixcoatl upon noticing the change in the goddess. This god had a strong bond of friendship with Itzpapalotl, they had known each other since the fifth creation.

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