Chapter 23

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Seth was trying to stay firm in the situation he found himself in. He remembered waking up, he no longer felt pain or any other discomfort, but he was aware of three things:

The first is that he was not in his room.

The second is that right now for some reason he was being tried.

And the third and last thing is that Itzpapalotl was nowhere to be found and that made him restless because she never left his side.

He was worried that something had been done to him while he was unconscious. Had something happened after he helped him with Osiris? I was safe?

- You have no excuses!

Maat 's voice brought him back to reality. It was strange to see her so excited considering that she was a calm goddess.

- He wasn't trustworthy!

- No wonder he did it again.

- typical of gods like him

- I can only feel sorry for those poor people...

The redhead looked with hatred at the gods of the Ennead who dared to judge him.

- I'm sure there must be some mistake, I think...

- Silence, Horus. - Isis demanded. He was not going to allow his son to look bad in front of everyone if he showed the slightest feeling of compassion for Seth .

Maat 's intervention .

- This is Seth , tell us something that makes us believe that you did not stain your hands with the blood of innocents.

- I don't have to make excuses. - he began to say firmly. If it weren't for being chained, he wouldn't be able to stand on his own. - I did what I could, in any case the fault lies with you and your bad informants... How the hell did you forget to mention that the danger involved a city?

Everyone seemed to look at each other as if looking for an excellent excuse not to look like idiots.

- I did everything in my power to save them. - He mentioned harshly, remembering the bad time he had. - If you have no idea what it means to govern, what the hell are you doing sitting in a place that another god should occupy?

Now he attacked Horus. This one, for his part, remained silent, at one point his uncle was right. He didn't want the crown, he was just trying to please his mother, it was a way to compensate for everything she sacrificed for him, he left aside what he really wanted.

- What are you insinuating?

- Are you trying to take the throne by force again?

- How do you dare!

Chaos broke out due to that misunderstanding and a shower of insults fell on the god of war. Who at that moment did not worry about himself, could only think about where Itzpapalotl was .

The goddess woke up sore and with some discomfort. The poison was still circulating through his body, but at least it was more tolerable than before. It took her a while to remember what had happened and when her mind started working again she realized that there was no sign of Seth and she was in what seemed to be some kind of prison, it was a dark room, with no windows and a wooden door. very thick, it was impossible to get out.

- What the...?!

He got up with difficulty. It was where he realized he had no restrictions.

- What does this mean! - He hit the door hard, barely moving. - Seth ! Where is?! What have they done to him?!

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