2 ~ Every Scar Has A Story [Angst]

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TW: Scars; Su!c!dal Behaviors and Thoughts; Attempted Murder; YHS; Overdose; Su!c!de Attempt;


Grian hides his abdomen.

During beach parties he'll either be wearing his sweater, or large colored shirts that seem they would fit Doc better then the short hermit he is.

The furthest anyone's gotten to seeing it, was when Grian's sweater caught fire.

Grian had thrown the red sweater on the ground before checking to make sure his black undershirt wasn't on fire. The undershirt was a collared sleeveless shirt, so they were able to see his arms, but nothing else.

His arms were scarred. Enough even Scar was worried about them.

There were arrow scars, sword slashes, blast scars, burns, and other types. Even one that looked like lava had been poured over a tattoo. But in specific, on his left inner forearm, there were letters cut into the blonde's skin. They were only able to make out a few letters, but even then, it was still concerning. "T", "A", and "U".

Grian noticed they saw it, and made sure they couldn't see it, by hiding the word while folding his arms.

That was in Seven, but now in Eight everyone noticed Grian and Pearl were extremely close, and they'd let it slip that they'd been on the same server before too.

But when Doc asked about it, Pearl sighed and shook her head.

"It was before I knew Grian. Most of his scars are from before I knew him. All of them have a story, and I only know two stories. You'd have better luck asking him for the full stories."

It confused them, and rightly so. Pearl and Grian didn't refer to their past often, but one thing was clear. They both had been through a lot, but they'd learned to deal with it alone. They would give support but never outright say anything about it.

So they finally asked.

They'd expected Grian to either panic and run, or for him to say no. Not sigh and bring X, Keralis, Scar, Impulse, Pearl, Ren, and Doc inside and start making tea and coffee.

"Which scar?" Grian asked. "Because each one has a story."

Impulse hesitated before speaking. Waiting to see if anyone else would speak up.

"How about the one on your left inner forearm? The letters." Impulse asked, softly and gently. The option to say no was there, and everyone knew it, but Grian only nodded.

Grian left for a moment, before returning with only his undershirt on. Sitting at his dining table, he laid the arm onto the table, letting everyone see the scar.


The word - or perhaps name? - was engraved in his skin.

"You all might not know, but I suffer from identity issues. One of which, being that I forget I'm Grian, and believe I'm my friend Taurtis.

Taurtis was killed by our roommate and our friend at the time, Sam, forced me to be him. Even after Taurtis was cloned back to life, Sam forced me to be him.

One day, I was being particularly snappy, and Sam took a knife and 'tagged' me as Taurtis. I had been suffering from Identity Issues before that day, but it just increased them tenfold.

I still sometimes feel less me, but the most that's happened as of late is me seeking out blue clothing and not answering to Grian."

Grian didn't even blink. It was like he was Void of emotion. It was like he didn't know how fucked up it was.

Grian Oneshots PT2Where stories live. Discover now