8 ~ Meeting Again

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TW: Partial Amnesia; Paralysis; Lightming strike;

At a point in this story I wrote that the Storm got worse, and the storm irl got worse. Never Ending Story vibes lol.


Xeqlua stared at the port all as tears ran down his face. He was screaming in vain for them to stop, as the mask he wore kept it quiet. The chains dug into his wrists as he pulled at them in an attempt to look like he was trying to stop them.

In reality, he knew what they didn't.

The Watchers laughed at him before finishing the spell and opening the portal. As soon as the purple light shifted to deep red, he laughed and stopped pulling against the chains.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" A Watcher yelled, he was pretty certain this one was Oasis, but it might of been Canyon or Forest, the triplets were always hard to distinguish from eachother.

Xeqlua tilted his head as he smirked under the mask. He hadn't done anything. It's the Watchers fault for trusting his old schematics and notes without checking over them.

"Xeqlua. What did-" The Watcher Icarus said, their eight wings spread widely to show their anger.

A loud shattering noise echoed from the portal as it spread and cracked reality as it grew. Two figures stepped through the portal and he glared softly at them. Who were they? The portal was too his home...

The first was shorter then the other, and had long, braided, brunette hair. Their blue and hazel mismatched eyes glared daggers at the Watchers. Large purple and black moth wings with cresent moon crests extended from their back. A sword hung at their side, and they had a white Cresent moon pin on their hoodie.

The second had armor that was pink and black, with large black sword - likely netherite. (That update had came out by now? How long...?) - and semi transparent purple of big wings extended from their back - an elytra perhaps? If that sword was Netherite, an Elytra wouldn't be too suprising.

"Xeqlua you BASTARD!" The Watchers yelled, quickly escaping while the two players glared at them.

Watchers had gotten weaker, while Humans got stronger. After the Watchers destroyed Evo and kidnapped the Admin (He swore he'd met the admin before, but it escaped him) the Players accepted them as enemies and began making items that could destroy Watchers with a single blow.

Xeqlua sighed and sat down, before messing with the obsidian chains on his wrists. He looked human, so he wasn't too afraid the humans would attack him, but he wasn't human, and they would eventually realize that.

"Hey, you good?" The armoured one said, standing outside the cell. Xeqlua glanced up. Common. How do you speak in common again? Xeqlua just nodded and returned to his restraints. "Would you like help?"

A hand rested on his wrist, and he stilled. Staring at the hand, his eyes stared into the code of the person.

Name: Xisuma Void; Species: Voidwalker; age: 2,702; IGN: XisumaVoid; Pronouns: Xe/He; Status: Ruby Admin; Server: Hermitcraft; Family: Xanthe Void (Brother), Keralis Void (Husband), PearlescentMoon (Friend), MumboJumbo (Friend) -

"Kid?" 'Xisuma' asked, pulling xyr hand away.

Common, again.

"Don't..." Xeqlua attempted. "Don't touch..."




Xeqlua looked up at the Voidkin confused. The one behind him smiled meekly at him. Who were they?

Grian Oneshots PT2Where stories live. Discover now