13 ~ The Mansion [AU Idea + Slight Story]

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TW: Murder; Panic attack; Sensory Overload; Su!c!de Baiting;

I might right more scenes of this story, but honestly I'm happy enough right now. This story idea actually came from a game of Mafia I was narrating. For easier remembrance, I'll use TM or MHM (Murder House Mystery.)

Mafia is a murder mystery game with three roles, this usually goes by different names in different places, but it's the same. One Doctor, One Murderer, and the rest are civilians.

This story is supposed to explain some things about the world this story is set in. At the bottom is a list of characters in the game, and some info about them.


Seventeen Hermits walk into a haunted mansion looking for some books on magic. Instead, magic used on them.

They are all transported to seperate rooms with a plaque on each door.

All have a role.

Five murderers, four doctors.

The Murderers read: "You have been selected as he Murderer. You will get to choose one person to die every week, and your goal is to stay alive and kill everyone. For every person who dies, 1 million diamonds will be rewarded to their family, 10 million for you. If you decide not to, you will be killed and a new murderer chosen. At the end of every week, you will go to the dining room and vote out anyone who is suspicious to you."

The Doctors read: "You have been selected as Doctor. Every week you will say the name of the person to keep them safe. If you use your powers wrongfully, you will be killed instead. 10 million diamonds will be rewarded to you for every person you keep safe. At the end of every week, you will go to the dining room and vote out anyone who is suspicious to you."

For everyone else, it read: "You have been selected as Citizen. Your role is to survive and find and vote the person you suspect out. At the end of every week, you will go to the dining room and vote out anyone who is suspicious to you."

When the hermits try to meet up to discuss everything, they instead find that there are three inhabitants who know eachother already, and several others. A bunny Hybrid who was more then happy to see new people, a taller man in blue who was happy and seemed to be calm, and a mute boy in red.

Grian, a murderer, is terrified as he's been in this game for a long time, and knows none of the Hermits. He knows the secrets of the game, and that if he's chosen to die, he'd just be locked into the dark cage until Sam and Taurtis joined him, or won. Then the three would be put back into another game.

Grian hates his role in these games, but kills people because the god who controls the realm would torture him before leaving him at the mercy of Sam and Taurtis's will. The pain, blood, and tears burned into his memory.


Name (OC/Not) - Murderer/Doctor/Citizen - Pronouns - Hybrid
    - Brief Backstory


   Bdouble0100 - Doctor - He/They - Glare
    - Bdubs was raised in a Glare Coven, but at 10 it was destroyed. He ran and ran for years, until meeting X and Keralis. During that time, they began to grow Hybrid Features, but didn't know exactly what all of it did. They used to be terrified of the dark and Keralis and X found them holding onto a lantern for dear life and in the middle of a panic attack because the Lantern was going out.
   Cubfan135 - Murderer - He/Him - Vex
    - Once a human, Cub finds it harder to keep the Vex from controlling him. He regrets coming into contact with the Vexing Star that turned him.
   Docm77 - Citizen - He/Xe - Creeper Cyborg
    - Doc was once a normal creeper, but a mad scientist got ahold of him and his family. They tortured and xe was made more aware of the world by the Doctor. He was Test Subject 77.
   PearlescentMoon - Citizen - She/Her - Dragon
    - Raised in the Courts of Watchers, Pearl still gets confused on some aspects of Mortal Life. Every Eclipse, she talks with her mother, Lady Moon.
   GoodTimesWithScar - Citizen - He/They - Vex Elf Wizard
    - Scar was born a Vex Elf, and has found ways to please his Vex side without hurting anyone or destroying anything. They started learning magic at a young age.
   Grian - Murderer - He/They/Her [Genderfluid] - Mimic
    - The Hermits can only gather that they are Genderfluid and knew Sam and Taurtis before the game. Based off body language, they assume Taurtis and Grian dated once.
   ImpulseSV - Murderer - He/They - Dragon
    - Raised by his Nomad of a Father, Impulse felts discontent being trapped in one place. They can't
   Iskall85 - Citizen - They/Them - Cyborg
    - They
   JoeHills - Doctor - He/They - 'Human'
    - Joe claims to be human, but no one believes him. They are just too off to be human.
   Keralis - Doctor - He/Him -  Human
    - Keralis was a Nomad before finding X and them joining Hermitcraft together. Keralis is extremely proud of X for how far xe've come.
   MumboJumbo - Citizen - He/Him - Vampire
    - As a toddler, Mumbo was bitten and transformed into a Vampire. Because of this, he was abandoned and Mumbo was taken in by a Vampire Coven. Mumbo never wanted to hurt anyone, so he left.
   Rendog - Murderer - He/Xe/Them (Mascflux) - Werewolf
    - As a fluid person, Ren hates Sam with a burning passion. And as a Werewolf, Ren would love to join the readers and author on a hunt for Rabbit Soup. (Oh no! The fourth wall!)
   EthosLab - Citizen - He/They - Artic Fox
    - Raised by nomadic parents, Etho traveled the world and learned about so many life styles, and more about his place in the world. They are protective of those they hold close, and dislike injustice - and Sam.
   TangoTek - Citizen - He/Him - Demon
    - Tango doesn't remember his first life, but he remembers the pain that came from his halo snapping and breaking. He was found by Zed after being thrown into the Nether.
   XisumaVoid - Citizen - He/Xe - Voidwalker
    - Xe keep xyr past secret. All people know, is he has a brother and something his brother did caused the death of their parents.
   ZedaphPlays - Doctor - He/Ve - Sheep
    - Zed doesn't remember his past, only remembering a fall and his head hitting something. After traveling around in confusion, ve found Tango and they both started over.
   Sam - Murderer - He/Him - White Rabbit
    - Sam is a Psychopath and entirely evil. After being thrown into an Asylum at Ten, his father pulled him out at thirteen. He began abusing animals, friends, and planting traps to hurt people.
   Taurtis - Citizen - He/Him - Clone
    - Taurtis doesn't remember much, only knowing Sam and Grian were his friends. He doesn't know why Grian gets hurt whenever he and Sam get close to eachother, and he doesn't remember that Grian was his boyfriend. Sam lied to Taurtis to say they were dating.
   Tristan (OC) - Citizen - He/They/She - Cat
    - ?
   Rosetta (OC) - Citizen - She/They - Elf
    - ?
   Rachel (OC) - Citizen - They/She - Parrot
    - ?
   Evan (OC) - Citizen - He/Him - Allay
    - ?

I might add more OC's, but these are the solid ones.

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