4 ~ The Hated Soulbond [Short & Angst]

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TW: S@m; YHS;


Grian had heterochromia and the strands of hair in his front right part was dark brown, extremely different from his light dirty blonde. His left being brown, and his right being icy blue. When angered or in a fight, the others noticed Grian's hazel eye seems to glow red.

No one truly questioned it, but they should've.

It was only revealed when Double Life began. Soulmates began to grow their partners' hybrid features and getting effected by mental states.

Scar had a few strands of hair that were blonde, and the upper half of one of Scar's eyes, was replaced with the icy blue of Grians. And vise versa.

And the other pairs were similar.

So they asked for help to figure out how to undo the bonds so they didn't kill their friend. To keep them safe, a manor was built by Bdubs, Grian, Scar, and Impulse.

Grian leaned against one of the balconies as X looked at Scar's, Ren's, Impulse's, and Bdubs' code. He didn't feel comfortable with X checking his own code, so X wasn't.

"Hey Grian, I can see your code in Scar's." Xisuma said.

Grian blinked in confusion before glancing back at X and Scar. Grian mentally huffed and turned to face the sunset. "You can check mine."

"What?" Xisuma said, xyr gaze burning into his back. "Are you sure?"

Grian sighed. "Its likely that the code of the servers are somewhat still inside my own code, due to me being a Watcher."

Grian felt the familiar tug at his code, and pushed the feeling to panic aside. He trusted Xisuma.

Several moments passed as Grian listened to them all and the water thundering against the rocky shore.

"Grian... Were you soulbound with someone before Double Life?" Xisuma asked, cutting the silence.

Grian kept his eyes fixed on the ocean below the small manor. "...Unfortunately..."

"Is that why you reacted do poorly to Scar being your soulmate?" Bdubs asked.

Grian lowered his head. "Yes and no." I really wanted to be B's... "I hate the way I reacted, and there's no excuse for what I did. Part of me was terrified that Scar would end up like the first Soulbond, but part of me was angry that I wasn't B's."

"...who was your first Soulbond with?" Scar asked, resting a hand on Grian's shoulder.

"A man named Sam."

The tension the room was thick and uncomfortable. Everyone on Hermitcraft either knew of Sam, what he did, or atleast the fact Grian hated his guts. Only fewer knew the horrors Grian himself had done.

"W-what? Why would you soulbond with someone like him?" Impulse asked. Impulse and Ren had known since Hippie Land.

"It wasn't my choice." Grian said, closing his eyes. "A god bonded us to punish me for what I'd done. And before you suggest it, we can't unbind me and Sam. It's our souls that are bonded, not our code."

"...what do you mean what you did...?" Bdubs asked.

"Gri, you don't have to-" Scar tried.

"Its fine, Scar." Grian said, before turning to look at them. "Bdubs, how would you describe how I fight?"

"Uh? Pretty gruesome, I guess?"

"I fight like they do on Anarchy Servers." Grian said. "I fight like that because I grew up on a server where you were kicked onto Anarchy Servers the moment you were an adult. We were taught to be cruel and how to murder people.

At several points in time, I murdered and tortured people who were innocent. I was horrible, and I sometimes struggle on how to react even now, but most of it's faded.

But, I murdered someone that the god of our server favored, so I was punished. So our god, Ted, bonded my soul with a former friend named Sam."

"I-I... I'm sorry...?" Bdubs bit his lip.

"Don't, please. I don't tell people because I don't want people to feel sorry for me." Grian shook his head.

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