5 ~ He's Immortal, and Traumatized

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TW: KoV; Sexual Assault; Abuse; YHS;

Happy Late Birthday Grian! <3


There had always been something taht nagged the Hermits, sometimes it wasn't even the same thing, but something was different about Grian.

The cold touch when they would make physical contact with him.

How easily he could distract himself.

The fact he slept less then a few hours a week if he was lucky.

How obsessed he was with TNT.

The distant look in his eyes when he would mention an old friend.

The amount of glitches that were recorded by the system near him, but it effected no one else.

The fact Grian covered himself constantly, and only a few people have seen the pure amount of scars that littered his body.


With Pearl on the server, they could finally get answers, could they not?


Pearl stared at everyone suprised. "I-I'm sorry... What?"

The server meeting had been held a day early, except Grian hadn't arrived. Pearl had thought Grian was just being a scatterbrain again, until...

"We didn't invite Grian to the meeting, because we want to ask you some questions about him." Cleo said.

"...What type of questions?" Pearl muttered her mind panicking.

"Uh..." Xisuma looked to Etho - who didn't look too pleased at the situation.

Impulse, Joe, Bdubs, Scar, Doc, Ren, Keralis, and Mumbo stood in the far corner, obviously not happy about this.

"Is Grian alive?" Cleo asked, bluntly.

Pearl blinked in confusion. Is Grian alive? Bitch-

"You should ask Grian if the questions are like that. I'm one of Gri's longest friends, I'd rather not answer for him. I know he hates that the most."

And now here they were.

Xisuma, Mumbo, Impulse, Ren, Iskall, Doc, Scar, Pearl, and Keralis all stood in Grian's kitchen. Multiple sat in the living room just existing in case needed, with Boatem and Xisuma in the kitchen and Keralis and Doc leaned against the wall in between the rooms. Grian glared softly at Xisuma while Pearl ate his cinnamon roll.

"Yes?" Grian said, throwing a glare at Pearl who grabbed another cinnamon roll. She earned one of his softer threats. "Leave my cinnamon rolls alone."

"Haha, yeah no." Pearl smirked to Grian before grabbing another. Grian reached for the knife that rested on the counter, glaring at her. Pearl placed the cinnamon roll she hadn't bitten back down and raised her hands in a surrender. Grian let go of the knife before looking over to Xisuma.

"...what the hell?" Xisuma asked.

"Grian gets possessive over his food." Scar chimed in. Mumbo hummed while Ren and Impulse laughed softly. Keralis and Doc glanced at eachother in confusion.

"Grian, that's actually one of the reasons we're here. We wanted to ask you sone questions about your behavior and the such." Keralis said, keeping his voice gentle and soft.

"I'm not a kid, you don't need to say it so softly." Grian rolled his eyes softly, before looking to X. "What did you guys want to ask about?"

"Uh... Well..." Ren frowned in concern.

"Are you alive? Or are you like Cleo in being revived?" Scar asked.

Grian raised an eyebrow before thinking. "Honestly? Somewhere in between. I was revived by someone using magic, yes. But due to several factors, I'm not considered alive, dead, or revived. I just exist."

"Your revived?" Scar asked.

"I was revived centuries after I first died, and the specific spell would've stopped me from aging at the age I died, which was 20."

"How old are you?" Mumbo asked. "You look 16..."

"I honestly stopped counting. I was turned immortal a long time ago, but I would estimate that I'm older then a few thousand years. I spent most of those years with another immortal, so the years passed unnoticed for me."

"...How did you die?" Keralis asked.

"All I remember of that day was an argument with my friends and storming out. Another came to talk to me, but we were ambushed by something. I think I once remembered and blocked it, it's also possible that my brain could've been damaged due to the fact I didn't act like i had after being revived."

"...What was it like? Death that is? Cleo doesn't remember." Doc asked.

"Being dead?" Grian asked himself. "It was..." terrifying? "...overwhelming.

"For me I stood at the edge of a pitch black lake and stared underneath the surface of the water towards a light. The scenery around me was bare and moved in a nonexistent breeze.

I walked into the water towards the light, before stopping as the water reached my ribs. The light had just disappeared.

And then what might of been a thousand hands pulled me under the inky surface. Fighting was useless and I was pulled under. And I floated in the water for what felt both like minutes and centuries.

Being under the water felt like a panic attack and sensory overload all at once, the entire time. It was overwhelming."

Grian took a breath as he looked passed Mumbo and at the photo that hung in his hall. "The person who revived me said it was the Lake of the Damned, which makes sense."

"What do you mean by that?" Doc asked.

"Oh, considering I killed 30 people in an hour one day, and then three a week later." Grian shrugged and looked down.

"I-I- Wah?" Scar sputtered.

"...what?" Impulse asked.

"Why did you kill that many people?" Xisuma asked.

Grian wanted to throw them out and explaination the same time. So he did the one that would keep him safe.

"My mental state just snapped like a twig after me and my friends were thrown into the dungeon." There were other reasons, but like hell I'm telling them all here.

Xisuma, Keralis, and Doc raise an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. He was happy that they didn't push, he really didn't want so many people to see him have a mental breakdown.

"Uh, is the distant look in your eyes when you talk about friends because of your immortality or?" Ren asked.

"It depends on which friends I'm talking about. Thanny, Joey, Sam #1 - the human -, and Gaurden are from my first life, everyone else and Sam #2 - the bunny Hybrid - are from this one, just years and years ago."

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