23 ~ Ruthless Armies, Nice King

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TW: Pining; Forced Marriage; Death; Anxiety; Corruption; Basically Scarian gets married in kingdom times and Grian is made out to be a ruthless king; Trans!Scar;


Scar hated this. He was basically being sold off, sold to be killed. And he had to wear a damn dress. Atleast he would keep his hand maid and guards...

Scar looked over to Pearl, the moth hybrid smiled softly Scar. Iskall, Cub, Ren, and Xisuma stood near the doors.

"We'll stay by your side." X reassured. The voidkin's smile soft and sweet, and true. Scar didn't doubt that. Scar doubted they would live to see the end of the month. It was Caius, after all. The king behind all the massacres of each and every kingdom in his way of power. Scar looked to the large grey door, his room was detailed like his old room, except there was a grey door leading to the King's bedroom.

"Its tomorrow, isn't it?" Scar whispered. He had been here for a week already, and he had yet to see Caius. The time taken to travel here being a week, scarily enough time to have multiple breakdowns and fear death.

"Yes, Scar." Pearl rested her hand on Scar's.

"Do you think Caius will kill me at the altar?" Scar tried not to tear up. He didn't want to die.

"Caius isn't that evil." Grian said, frowning from the doorway. Scar looked over in suprise, Grian was Caius' hand maid from what Scar knew. His vibrant red, yellow, and blue feathers shimmered in the sunlight of the window behind Scar. (Most of the castle was lit with purple lights, this room being probably the only exception.) Grian had light skin and dirty blonde hair. The most confusing thing about him, was the amulet that hung around his neck. The amulet was forged from obsidian and gold, with a lotus flower as the center design. It neutralized all mind spells, even those of the Vex.

"Sorry for intruding, I was sent to alert you for dinner. Would you like me to send it up here, or would you like to go down to the dining hall, your majesty?"

A pause occured as Scar thought. "Will King Caius be there?"

Grian looked somewhat anxious as he spoke, slow and deliberate. "King Caius is dealing with... matters pertaining to a spy caught in his courts."

A spy? Xisuma, Cub, Ren, and Iskall all shared looks of anxiousness and worry, even Pearl seemed scared, and the moth was never scared. It wasn't uncommon for denied suitors to execute their rivals, but for a spy to get within Caius' courts?

"Is anything known about the spy?" Xisuma looked to Grian.

"The spy has been within the courts for as long as I've been serving the King, and King Caius isn't too happy." Grian said and after a few moments, he glanced out the open door.

"Is something wrong?" Pearl asked, concerned.

"The courts are-" Grian started, before stopping suddenly. A group of guards marched through the corridor. His face formed a perfect almost unbearably calm face, and the others quickly mimicked it. "Would you like the food brought up or would you like to eat in the dining hall?"

A guard paused and glared at Grian. He was large and had mostly green skin, but cybernetics covered most of his visible body.

"I would like it brought up, please. If you could do the same with tomorrow's breakfast, that would be appreciated." Scar said gently, smiling innocently.

"Of course your highness." Grian bowed to Scar, before turning and walking past the guard.

The guard shut the door and the echoing footsteps brought only anxiety to the newest members of the kingdom.

Grian Oneshots PT2Where stories live. Discover now