10 ~ Corruption and Scars

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TW: Hybrid Features; Self deprecating words; Bpdy dysphoria; Platonic Forehead/Head kisses;


Grian lives with his entire life in a suitcase. He does this, because Grian can control people. He hates the way people are afraid of him because of his power, so he doesn't use it unless there's no other choice. And he immediately disappears so he doesn't have to hear the words of disgust from his 'friends'.

The only reason he woke up in the bed on Hermitcraft after he made a Watcher kill itself, was because it took far too much power to even attempt to control a lower leveled Watcher, let alone the higher levels.

He was extremely suprised when he felt the soft material. Usually he'd open a portal and fall into a new universe after using his magic, even if he was extremely exhausted, he would always wake up alone, sick, too tired, and in a new place.

Grian opened his eyes and sat up as he looked around in confusion. Grian stated in suprise as he recognized this room as one of his in his mansion. He quickly recognized the room as the second on the left center wing.

He wished he had woke up in his primary room - though it was primarily just that he wanted to be laying in a nest, - but there were more then fifty rooms. Plus his private living area was literally hidden from everyone, even Mumbo and Scar didn't know where it was. This room happened to be the one everyone thought his own was.

He threw his legs over the side of his bed, before looking down at his legs in confusion.

Void corruption and Void burns scarred his legs, his previous light tan legs were now black and dark purple with white and light purple freckles. He covered his mouth with his hands as he stared at the corruption. The void burns and corruption had been just small patches and easier to hide then the ones on his arms - which were always hidden by his sweater.

Grian felt tears swell up in his eyes, and he felt sick at the thought. If the corruption on his legs was so bad, what was the corruption on his chest, back, and arms like? Let alone his face?

He looked up to the wall and let his tears fall. He couldn't. He couldn't see it. He didn't think he'd be able to stand it if he saw it.

Grian forced himself to stand up, and leaned against the wall. He walked towards the secret door in the corner, and pulled the trigger book on the shelf. The wall shifted, and he walked into the secret hallway. It closed behind him, and he slid down the wall near the shifting one.

He sobbed as he looked at his legs.

It wasn't him.

He wasn't a freak covered in Void burns and corruption.

He wasn't as quiet as he thought, because the door quickly opened and a hand rested on his shoulder.

"What's wrong, Gri?" Impulse asked, soft and caring. Not a shred of fear in his eyes.

It just made the tears fall faster. It hurt him. It hurt because he wondered how many friendships he'd ran from because of his powers and the corruption that had appeared on him. Even despite the lack of hearing, he could see it.

"How can you still care for me... I'm a freak." Grian's voice was weak, but Impulse's smile fell at it.

"Grian. You are not a freak, your a Hermit, just like me." Impulse said, his hand reaching up to Grian's cheek. "Your one of us. Even if you have Void burns and corruption, no one cares. We all have scars and the such."

Grian pulled his knees closer to his chest and hide his face in his folded arms. "...but I can even control people..."

"All of us have abilities we aren't particularly happy with-"

Grian Oneshots PT2Where stories live. Discover now